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Recap / Criminal Case: Mysteries of the Past - Case 35: Burning Bridges

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Extra! Extra! Read All About It! Crimson Banks is on fire!

Amidst a violent Mob War between the Irish and the Italian gangs of Crimson Banks that is growing bloodier by the minute, Maddie and the player are informed that a body has been found at the burning Crimson Bridge that separates both halves of the district, which turns out to be the corpse of Bridget Baker, the plumber they met in a previous case, with her head missing.


  • Abusive Parents: Sadie, Bridget's mother, forced her to steal morphine from the hospital (which got Bridget kicked out of it as a result) for her addiction.
  • Accidental Murder: Timmy accidentally killed Bridget when she grabbed him from behind and he struck her with his knife, as he was already on the edge due to the Mob War killing multiple street children and already being robbed once.
  • Beardness Protection Program: Seamus has been using a fake beard to pass unnoticed by both the Italian gang and the police, although you don't see him with it on.
  • The Bus Came Back: Seamus O'Neill makes a brief appearance after being last seen in Case 30, where he was incarcerated.
  • Call-Back: Nurse Jemima Hatchett, Dermot McMurphy, and Antonio Dante reappear as suspects, while Giulietta Capecchi briefly appears during the Additional Investigation.
  • Cliffhanger: The case ends with Evie informing you that Giulietta has sent you a note claiming that her mother Franca is planning to detonate a bomb at the train station.
  • Crisis Point Hospital: As a result of the ongoing Mob War that is affecting both gang members and regular citizens, Saint Sulpicius Hospital has become overrun with bodies and injured people, and staff gets so overworked to the point they don't notice medicine being stolen and Dermot running a gambling ring right inside of it.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: Nurse Jemima tells you that she stopped caring about her own childhood when she lost her favorite doll years ago and none of the adults cared, which is why she acts so cold and apathetic towards everything.
  • Death of a Child: The victim was just a 17-year-old teen who became another victim of the Mob War razing Crimson Banks.
    Judge Lawson: <Player's Name>, today was a hard day to be a judge... I never thought I'd have to sentence one traumatized child for the murder of another...
  • Declaration of Protection: Timmy tells you how Bridget swore to protect him when they became best friends, although he claims that she left him when the gang wars started and he got mugged as a result.
  • I Didn't Mean to Kill Him: Timmy explains how he accidentally killed Bridget due to mistaking her for a gang member who wanted to rob him and how he didn't mean to kill her.
  • Empathy Doll Shot: Jemima claims that she lost her childhood memories and innocence when she lost her favorite doll, which you manage to find after many years and slightly restore her faith that there is good people in the world.
  • Extra! Extra! Read All About It!: Timmy Tanner is a Street Urchin who also works as newspaper boy.
  • Gene Hunting: During one of her analyses, you see Viola arguing with her biological mother about who her real father is. While Viola's mother refuses to say and instead tells Viola that her father is the man who raised her, Viola insists on keep searching for the truth against her mothers's protests.
  • Harmful to Minors: The whole Mob War between the Irish and the Italians has been these for the street kids of Concordia, who are forced to witness death and bloodshed while the gangs kill each other. Worse, sometimes said street kids end up being collateral damage, such as what happened to Bridget.
  • Illegal Gambling Den: Dermot has been running one of these in the hospital of all places, and promptly gets arrested by Lawson and the player during the Additional Investigation.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: When Antonio attempts to burn down the playground where the victim was living, Rose manages to shot the match he's holding out of his hand without harming him.
  • Innocent Bystander:
    • Dermot claims to be this when you find him in the hospital, claiming to be collateral damage of the ongoing Mob War. However, you later discover he's actually part of the Irish gang.
    • Played straight with Bridget, who had nothing to do with the gangs but ended as another death indirectly caused by them.
  • Junkie Parent: Sadie Smith, Bridget's mother, is addicted to morphine, and asked her to steal some for her from the local hospital, which got Bridget kicked out by Nurse Hatchett.
  • Lack of Empathy: Going with her Battleaxe Nurse status, Jemima is seen to be very apathetic regarding Bridget's death due to having her hands full with work, and also refuses to give street children a safe space in her hospital until you find her doll during the Additional Investigation.
    Jemima: Do you have any idea how many people have been in and out of this hospital since the gang wars began? Of course, you don't! Neither do I!
    I cannot keep up with the whereabouts of every single patient! They are free to go. Especially when they can't pay! And that girl was no different!
  • Lipstick Mark: This is how you discover Seamus and Giulietta are still dating, as you find marks of her lipstick on the fake beard he's been using.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: Giulietta claims that she can't live without Seamus, which is why she decided to accept his apology and continue being with him despite killing her father.
  • Mistaken for Spies: Antonio mistook Bridget for being a spy working with the Irish gang, which is why he tried to burn down the playground where she lived. However, nothing suggests that Antonio claims was true.
  • Mob War: The case takes place in the middle of a war between the Irish and the Italian gangs, and isn't until the last stretch of the case that things start to calm down due to both sides not having enough members to keep fighting.
  • Mole in Charge: Giulietta explains how she and Seamus have actually been trying to stop the war by working together, and Seamus accepted the position of Irish gang leader so he could sabotage them from the inside for this reason.
  • Moment Killer: Maddie and the player interrupt Seamus and Giulietta while both of them are kissing in the park, as Seamus is still a fugitive and is forced to run.
  • Neutrality Backlash: Dermot warned Bridget about staying neutral on the gang war, trying to force her to chose a side since anyone who wasn't with the Irish gang was against them.
  • Off with Her Head!: How Bridget was killed.
  • Parting-Words Regret: Timmy laments how the last thing he said to Bridget was calling her a liar for abandoning him in the middle of the gang war, as he still considered her his best friend. Even worse when you discover he's the one who accidentally killed her.
  • Persona Non Grata: As a result of stealing morphine from the hospital for her mother, Bridget was kicked out of the building by Nurse Hatchett.
  • Pyromaniac: Antonio attempts to burn down a whole playground with kerosene to "send" a message to the Irish, as Bridget lived in said park and he though she was a spy for the rival gang.
  • Shout-Out:
    • In the Crimson Bridge scene, there is a bust of Julius Caesar.
    • Stucco Wafers are a parody of Necco Wafers.
  • Society Is to Blame:
    • During Timmy's trial, Judge Lawson recognizes that society failed Bridget, Timmy, and all the street kids suffering as a result from the Mob War, and laments how their lives were ruined because of it.
    • When you interrogate Giulietta about her relationship with Seamus, she tells you that she forgave him for his father's death since it wasn't his fault, but the whole gang wars who forced Seamus to kill him.
  • Teen Pregnancy: Sadie had Bridget when she was just 17, and was forced to give Bridget for adoption as a result. However, they found each other not long ago.
  • Tempting Fate: At the end of the case, Maddie laments how they haven't find clues regarding Franca Capecchi's whereabouts moments before Evie comes to inform you that Franca has planted a bomb at the train station.
  • Truce Zone: During the Additional Investigation, Judge Lawson and the player convince Nurse Hatchett to make her hospital one of these for the street children of Crimson Banks, who are in grave danger due to the Mob War.
