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Recap / Codename Kids Next Door S 6 E 5 A Operation SPINACH

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The Spinach Armada attack Gallagher Elementary School, trying to force kids to accept spinach.

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  • Big Eater: Numbuh 2 is the only one amongst everyone else who actually likes spinach.
  • Curse Cut Short: Numbuh 1 is about to rhyme "not even a scrap" with "It tastes like crap" before the Inquisition stops him.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Numbuh 2 genuinely likes spinach and joins the Inquisition to encourage others to do so. He is outraged, however, when he learns the Inquisition is literally forcing others to eat spinach and immediately turns on them.
  • Hypocrite: At the end, the King of Spinachia admits to Numbuh 2 that the reason his armada is forcing spinach on everyone is so they don't have to eat it.
  • Kids Hate Vegetables: Pretty much every kid balks at eating spinach. Even the people of Spinachia hate it, either being forced to eat it by their king (who doesn't want it anymore than anyone else does) or forcing others to eat it in their stead. Numbuh 2 is the only one shown that actually likes it.
  • Oh, No... Not Again!: When Numbuh 4 comes to class right from the beach to warn everyone about the Inquisition.
    Mrs. Thompson: How many times do I have to tell you not to come to class in your underwear?!
  • Shout-Out:
  • Whole-Plot Reference: It's Green Eggs and Ham but with spinach.
