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Recap / Charmed S8E11 Mr. And Mrs. Witch

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Piper feels completely powerless since Leo was taken away. Henry stands up Paige. Billie develops a power of projection and accidentally uses it to turn her visiting parents into assassins. While the Charmed Ones chase after them, a demonic executive hires them to take out the CEO of the company he plans to take over.


  • Anti-Magic: Dalvos possesses immunity. The sisters learn this the hard way when he shoots Grant while everyone else in the room was supposed to be frozen.
  • Armor-Piercing Question: "Why is it so hard for you to get close to people?"
  • Changeling Fantasy: Rod Dalvos was switched at birth.
  • Empty Shell: Billie's parents after Christy was kidnapped.
  • Evil Makeover: Billie's parents get new outfits once they're turned into assassins. Helen in particular gets more stylish hair and a Little Black Dress.
  • Foreshadowing: Piper suggests Nanta will be back in 30 years. Phoebe muses that, by that point, Wyatt and Chris will be handling the demons, while Piper and a restored Leo will be having a peaceful retirement and tending to the grandkids. The Grand Finale proves her right.
  • Freudian Excuse: Henry struggles to get close to people because of his bad experiences in the foster system.
  • Hope Spot: Piper freezes the room just before Billie's father can successfully shoot Grant, with Paige even removing the frozen bullet for good measure. Nanta immediately tells them that won't do any good, leading to Dalvos revealing he has immunity and shooting Grant himself.
  • IKEA Weaponry: Billie's parents try to shoot the Pelham CEO using a gun disguised as a dictaphone which they rearrange under the table.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Piper doesn't realise that her attempting to keep the house lively for the children and film them for Leo is infringing on Phoebe trying to do her work.
  • Irony: Billie notes that being turned into assassins made her parents the happiest she's ever seen them.
  • Long Game: Nanta spent 30 years getting an underling in a position to become CEO of a prominent company, thus giving demons a major foothold Hidden in Plain Sight. She's outraged when the sisters foil decades of work in a matter of minutes. Piper quips that Nanta will be back in about 30 years.
  • Loophole Abuse: The spell to call for a lost witch still works on the Jenkins parents because they're still the carriers of the powers Billie inherited.
  • Mirror Character: Phoebe has to give advice to a girl who is unsure about how to get close to a lover when she's so close to her twin brother. She eventually recommends the girl move out and live alone to establish her own separate identity. Phoebe likewise realises she needs to move out of the Manor to live more independently.
  • Muggle Born of Mages: It turns out that Billie's grandmother was a witch, meaning her mother was born without powers.
  • Never Suicide: With Dalvos ruined, Nanta opts to tie up loose ends by shooting him. A newspaper headline later says the whole thing was ruled a suicide to avoid jailtime.
  • Out-Gambitted: The sisters can't simply vanquish Dalvos, due to his immunity to magic. Paige comes up with a workaround: Piper using a glamour spell to pretend to be Dalvos and making a full confession to the press. As Nanta says, the sisters played by their rules and used that against them.
  • Parents as People: Billie has a realization that her parents spent the last fifteen years trying to find their lost daughter, and their attitude towards her is a result of their grieving.
  • Whole-Plot Reference:
  • The Woman Behind the Man: Nanta, being the one who got rid of the original Rod and guided his demonic replacement for 30 years in order to get him to this point.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: With the plan ruined, Nanta shoots Dalvos dead. Her being able to do this is attributed to how Dalvos was made to resemble a human as much as possible.
