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Recap / CSIS 7 E 3 Toe Tags

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Grissom teaches a seminar about four different cases.

Tropes for the episode:

  • Accidental Murder: Bizarrely, the victims of the fourth case are subjected to this because one of them tried to use a chainsaw meant for right handed people when he's actually left handed...
  • Face Death with Dignity: The victim of the third case, a soldier who returned from war only to get stabbed by a drug junkie, doesn't mind dying because he at least got to see his daughter for the first time.
  • The Gambling Addict: The first victim, a bodyguard, was killed by her superstitious boss as he believed she was behind his losing streak in the casino.
  • How We Got Here: The Framing Device of the story is of the victims in the morgue telling each other how they each died.
  • Til Murder Do Us Part: The second victim was murdered by her husband.
