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Recap / Big Time Rush S 1 E 4 Big Time Bad Boy

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Big Time Bad Boy is an episode from Season 1 of Big Time Rush.


  • All Girls Want Bad Boys: Discussed when Gustavo mentions that the bad boy of the band gets to date the hottest models.
  • Brick Joke: When the boys mention to Gustavo that one of them is getting kicked out of the band, Gustavo says that he thinks it will be Logan, much to his frustration. And when the boys bring up to Griffin that Kendall (which was actually part of a ruse) is getting kicked out, Griffin says that his money was on Logan. Again, Logan is annoyed by this.
  • Bullying a Dragon: When WayneWayne is told by Griffin that he is getting kicked out of the band, the latter responds by kicking the former to the floor. When Griffin angrily gestures at his guards to take him away, WayneWayne realizes that he went too far.
  • Exact Words: After Mr. Griffin kicks WayneWayne out of Big Time Rush, WayneWayne tries to prevent it by bringing up his contract which says that Mr. Griffin has to make him the lead of the band, Mr. Griffin corrects him that the contract means he has to make him the lead of a band. Now Wally's the lead singer of the Ziggle Zaggles.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: Mrs. Knight twice. First she believes that Buddha Bob is a crazed murder, and not listening to Katie saying he's just the maintenance man. And then keeps trying to get Katie to make friends with a creepy girl Molly, who turns out to be a twenty year old con artist pretending to be a kid and has also stolen her rental car.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Gustavo sets up a Batman Gambit with the boys to get rid of WayneWayne that excludes Kelly because, according to him, she is a Bad Liar. She responds by pretending to cry at this news and doing badly at it, and she realizes that he is right.
  • Makeup Is Evil: As part of pretending to be a bad boy to convince Griffin, Kendall wears black eyeliner.
  • Not What It Looks Like: Every time Mrs. Knight sees Buddha Bob, he seems to be doing terrible things such as killing someone with an axe, throwing a dead body in a dumpster, and using a chainsaw to decapitate someone. In actuality, he was using that axe to slice a jelly donut while Mr. Bitters took cover in fear, was throwing a mannequin that he no longer needed away, and using the chainsaw to trim a hedge while Bitters was struggling to fit his head into a sweater.
  • Right Behind Me: While Kendall is badmouthing WayneWayne at the pool, he shows up right behind him, which Kendall realizes as he is doing it. And when he is talking about exposing the fraud that he is, this exact response happens yet again.
  • Screw This, I'm Out of Here!: After WayneWayne hits Griffin and is seized by his guards, his backup cronies flee the scene.
  • Verbal Tic: WayneWayne has a habit-habit of repeating many-many words twice-twice. It's very-very annoying.
  • Unspoken Plan Guarantee: Gustavo shoves a piece of paper into the hands of BTR before they enact the plan of Kendall outdoing WayneWayne as a bad boy. After the plan is done, BTR reveals what was on the papers: "Let's get rid of WayneWayne".
  • Wham Line: Camille happens to recognize WayneWayne:
    Camille: Hey, when did Wally Dooley move to the Palmwoods?
