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Recap / Big Finish Doctor Who JALS 4 E 1 Jago In Love

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The story picks up immediately after the previous story. Leela warns Sergeant Quick of the danger that threatens Jago and Litefoot. They both rush to the mortuary and the Red Tavern to see if they are there, Leela deduces that they must be at the Regency Theatre. Quick abandons the search, believing them both to be safe. Leela prepares to continue the search herself, until she hears a faint chuckle. She turns to face her possible assailant…only to be delighted at the sight of the stranger and asks what he is doing here…

Jago is on holiday in Brighton with a singer called Abigail Woburn. He only met her a few days before and he appears to have fallen completely in love with her, as has she. Both retire to relax on the beach and he happily reminisces about how they met. She asks about why he came to Brighton.

He starts by revealing that he and his friend Litefoot met a mysterious man calling himself Claudius Darke. They both had left the stranger remarking that he was a strange fellow – believing that he knew them both from reputation. Before they could continue their discussion, a disfigured creature emerges from the darkness and attempts to attack them. Litefoot stabs the creature with his cane and it crumbles to dust before their eyes, leaving a deathly stench. The duo continue their evening by visiting the Red Tavern, where they are reunited with Leela. Leela reveals she feels ‘obliged’ to stay. Jago lets slip the encounter he and Litefoot had just had with the creature moments before. Leela, to keep the duo safe, suggests they go on ‘holy day’ (Holiday) to Brighton, upon the suggestions she once heard from The Doctor. The trio agree to the holiday, even if Jago feels reluctant to leave behind the fact that there are creatures stalking them…He suggests that they stay with a gypsy woman called Nancy Lee, a performer he met when he ran the Palace Theatre.

Back in Brighton, Abigail senses that Jago’s friends tend to tease him when he exaggerates his stories. Jago agrees with her half-heartedly. But she advises him to ignore them and inquires about the gypsy woman he’s staying with. Jago reflects on the gypsy woman’s act at the Palace Theatre several years before. She predicted a snowstorm…in August three days after her prediction. Abigail reveals that she met the same gypsy, she visited her dressing room at the Pavilion Theatre. She handed Abigail a mirror with a crack for luck. Abigail reluctantly accepted the mirror, albeit finding it unattractive.

Jago and Litefoot meet with Nancy Lee the gypsy upon arriving in Brighton, but Jago senses that something is amiss with the woman. Jago consults with Litefoot and Leela, but they don’t seem to notice anything. Litefoot does note that she has alcohol on her breath though. Litefoot suggests the three of them go out and take in the sights and sea air. Jago immediately suggests they visit the West Pier, but Litefoot suggests they visit the Chain Pier or the Garden Pavilion. Jago slips that the West Pier has a Pavilion dedicated to the theatre, to which they agree.

At the Theatre, the trio watch a woman, Abigail, singing on stage and Jago becomes entranced by her. Leela becomes worried that Jago has become possessed, but Litefoot laughs and reveals that Jago is in love. Jago reveals that he plans to audition her for a set at the Regency Theatre. Litefoot and Leela decide to come with him to meet this singer ‘in the interest of propriety’. The trio meet with Abigail in her dressing room. Discovering that Abigail has no manager, Jago jumps at the chance to become her manager. Leela rifles through Abigail's collection of wigs, much to her displeasure. Litefoot looks at the mirror gifted to Abigail by Nancy Lee and immediately falls over in shock, breaking an expensive vase in the process. Jago and Abigail immediately begin plans to set up publicity photos for her, seemingly uninterested in Litefoot’s plight.

Next day at Nancy Lee's home, Leela confides in Litefoot and voices her suspicions that Abigail is evil, purely because that she is bald and keeps wigs in her dressing room. Litefoot laughs and explains that she is naturally balding because of her age. Litefoot voices Leela’s concerns to Jago, but Jago immediately shuts down the concerns as he is too enamoured with Abigail to listen. Leela asks Litefoot what he saw in Abigail’s dressing room. He tries to dodge the questions, but eventually reveals that he thinks he saw something in the cracked mirror gifted to Abigail by Nancy Lee. They hear crashing noises from upstairs and eventually the mirror in the dining room shatters before them. They investigate around the house and discover that all the mirrors have been shattered. They then hear a man crying in one of the rooms. They enter the room where the sound is emanating from and find…nothing. They hear footsteps from the ground floor and Jago fearfully believes that the creatures from London had followed them here. He grabs a fireplace poker and Leela arms herself with her hunting knife. The two of them burst through the door to confront…an innocent young man named George, frightening him. The man shakily reveals he is looking for Nancy Lee. Jago regales the man with tales from the theatre, believing the man to be a thespian by his unusual attire. Litefoot suspects the mirror in Abigail’s dressing room to have something to do with the shattered mirrors. With Jago distracted, Litefoot and Leela decide to investigate without him.

Back in the present, Abigail asks Jago why he stays with Litefoot and Leela as she believes they don’t care for him and don’t miss any opportunity to make fun of him. Jago wearily admits he doesn’t know himself and believes he does so because he’s lonely. Abigail tells him he’s not lonely anymore because he has her. Jago becomes overwhelmed with emotion and tells her that they are to collect their photos and maybe visit the travelling fair. Jago also admits that He, Litefoot and Leela broke into her dressing room, but he vehemently denies agreeing with the two, claiming that he was against such acts. Abigail probes Jago into thinking whether his friends ever did respect his opinions. Jago fails to recall…

Jago, Litefoot and Leela break into Abigail’s dresser and find the mirror covered by a drape. They pull back the drape and Litefoot looks at the mirror and faints again. Abigail appears and confronts the group, suggesting that they get a doctor for Litefoot. Leela mistakenly denies needing The Doctor’s help. Abigail demands to know why they are here. Leela reveals that there is a dangerous spirit in her room. Abigail laughs off the notion. Jago quickly interjects and attempts to cover their tracks by pretending that they are adoring fans (well Litefoot especially, according to Jago) and that Litefoot was especially distraught from breaking her vase the previous time they visited that they wanted to replace it under the cover of darkness…despite it being 10am. Abigail seemingly buys the story and reveals that she going to have a walk on the promenade, with Jago volunteering to chaperone her so he may defend her from her adoring public. Litefoot eventually comes around, but Jago is quick to make his departure with Abigail, much to Leela’s surprise at Jago’s lack of concern for his friend. Before they leave, Abigail asks to see the new vase. But Jago covers for his friend by stating that Litefoot fainted because he had forgotten it.

Back in the present. Jago states the aforementioned events only transpired two days ago. Litefoot has been bedridden and Leela has been galivanting with Nancy Lee.

Back at Nancy Lee’s home, Leela is searching for Jago and Litefoot and she hears a man crying. She knocks on the door and finds Litefoot sitting in the dark mumbling to himself. Leela pulls back the curtains to reveal Litefoot’s face has been horribly disfigured. He asks Leela where ‘George’ is and that she promised that ‘George’ was to meet with him. Leela tries to question him, but Litefoot suddenly becomes aggressive and barks that she lied and that he’ll find him before wandering out of the house.

Jago and Abigail visit the photographer, Donovan. Donovan tries to explain rather erratically that their photographs are rather…deformed. Jago demands he shows him the photograph, and the pair don’t believe what they see…

Litefoot is wandering the travelling fair, still looking for ‘George’. Unaware that his deformity is frightening the patrons. Leela is in hot pursuit of the professor, who has now wandered into the Hall of Mirrors. Litefoot unwittingly frightens a patron inside not just because of his deformity…but because his reflection doesn’t appear in the mirrors.

Jago fumes about the photograph, but Abigail doesn’t seem to care too much, believing that it may just be a fault with the photography equipment. But Jago isn’t listening, he believes the reason Abigail’s face doesn’t appear is because he wishes to double charge him. In his froes of anger, Jago lets slip that he plans to propose to Abigail. Abigail immediately picks up on his proposal. Jago, realising the jig is up, immediately bends down on one knee and in a heartfelt speech, proposes marriage to her in front of a crowd, to which she happily accepts.

Meanwhile in the Hall of Mirrors, Leela manages to get Litefoot to look into the mirror. Litefoot does and distraughtly asks where ‘George’ is again while shattering the mirrors in a blind rage. Leela tries to approach him again, but Litefoot arms himself with a shard of a mirror and threatens to kill her.

Ever the traditionalist, Jago requests Abigail that he may have an audience with her father to request his daughter’s hand in marriage. But Abigail’s mood suddenly becomes sullen at the thought, while Jago reassures her that he has means of stabilizing them both financially. Jago notices that Abigail appears to be rather distant. She shakily reveals that she has no memories of her parents…like they never existed. Jago oddly doesn’t seem to think it strange, taking it up to a ‘gap in the memory’ and vows to help her find them, much to Abigail’s delight.

Litefoot is destroying more mirrors in the Hall of Mirrors hysterically, while Leela tries to approach him with caution. He manages to drive her away by grazing her with some of the shards. Leela decides to retreat and find help instead. She exits the hall and warns the proprietor to leave him inside and not approach him. Jago arrives and calls for the attention of everyone present to listen to Abigail perform live. Leela tries to get Jago’s attention and warn him about Litefoot, but he demands her to be quiet and listen to Abigail, seeming nonchalant about his friend. Leela, enraged, storms off. But a young man, George, approaches her and offers his help, as he explains that he lost his fiance and requested the help of Nancy Lee, but she too has disappeared. Leela enlists his help and the two return to the Hall of Mirrors.

Leela and George enter the glass infested Hall of Mirrors and find that Litefoot has disappeared. They both hear a faint, inhuman groaning. Leela identifies it as a Lioness’ cry. They approach the adjacent Lion Tent and Leela finds Litefoot in a cage with a lioness. But the Lioness appears more afraid of Litefoot. Leela enters the cage and tries to goad Litefoot out. But Litefoot feels happy where he is, claiming he and the Lioness understand one another. Litefoot sees George and becomes delighted, proclaiming the man’s name – George. George is confused that this man knows his name as they’ve never met before. Litefoot immediately accuses Leela of taking George away from him and rants that she warned him to not trust anyone. The Lioness becomes distressed by the commotion and pounces on Leela…

Jago is thankful to the public for watching Abigail perform, George rushes out to Jago and tries to warn him about Leela and Litefoot's perilous predicament. But Jago is ignorant of the danger, claiming he only has the one friend now. But George is insistent, Jago decides to entertain the man and follows him to the Lioness cage.

Leela manages to kill the Lioness in self-defence, much to Litefoot’s horror. Jago arrives and sees the disfigured features of Litefoot’s face – a large scar across his face. Litefoot once more appeals to George, saying he has to come back with him. George is more scared and confused as ever. Leela insists that George goes with Litefoot. While Abigail and Leela bicker, George and Litefoot disappear. Leela deduces that Litefoot has been possessed and she, Jago and Abigail follow in pursuit.

Litefoot leads George to the Brighton Pier. Abigail begs Jago to just leave them, insisting that he doesn’t need them. But storm clouds begin to gather above the Pier, which is strange considering the rest of the coast is bright and sunny, and George and Litefoot are heading for it!

George is more frightened than ever by the unnatural phenomenon, but Litefoot is none the wiser as he cheerfully tries to lead George along. Leela disappears into the snowstorm which is now brewing on the Pier. Jago insists he and Abigail follow them, but Abigail refuses to and she serves him an ultimatum, its either his friends or her. Jago apologises and promises to return and he ventures into the storm, leaving Abigail outside the Pier.

Leela hears a voice in the storm. It’s Litefoot’s voice, his normal, calm voice. He directs her to the mirror and tells her he is inside it. Litefoot tells George to look in the mirror, but George is terrified by what he sees. Jago is venturing through the cold, calling out to Litefoot and Leela. He manages to find George and Litefoot and sees George doesn’t have a reflection. He immediately accuses George of being a vampire, which he denies. Leela tells Jago to look at Litefoot’s reflection, his reflection instead is that of a little girl. Litefoot introduces himself as Mary Elizabeth Riley and George was her fiance. George asks why he doesn’t have a reflection. Litefoot’s real voice from the mirror reveals that George is dead. George and Mary died in August 1887 during a freak snowstorm…the very same snowstorm that Nancy Lee predicted in her show at the Palace Theatre. Mary further comments that Nancy Lee said they would lose one another during the storm, but they would eventually find one another. Mary’s spirit was trapped by Nancy Lee’s mirror, desperately clinging to the mortal coil while George’s spirit wandered Brighton looking for Mary, unaware that he had died. He was the spirit that smashed Nancy Lee’s mirrors and the voice heard weeping in the house. George is adamant that he and Mary aren’t dead. Mary inhabited Litefoot’s body to find him. Leela warns George that he must accept his death and exchange his life for Litefoot’s inside the mirror. George rushes out into the storm and screams for Mary. In an act of instinct, Jago shatters the mirror and a wailing sound echoes around the pier.

The storm stops and Jago wanders if he had accidently killed Litefoot as he was still trapped in the mirror when he shattered it. Leela begins to suspect as much until they hear a familiar voice…Litefoot. Litefoot has returned to his body. He is happily greeted by his two friends. Jago quickly remembers Abigail and rushes off, claiming he has some explaining and apologising to do. He reaches the end of the pier and calls for Abigail, only to find that she has disappeared.

On the train journey home, Leela feels that Jago and Abigail weren’t meant to be. She asks Litefoot what he saw in the mirror that caused him to faint the first time they saw it. Litefoot brushes off the question stating that it was someone dear to him from long ago…

Meanwhile back on Brighton beach, two gentlemen, Kempston and Hardwick, meet with one another commenting on a good days work, albeit not a completely successful one, but they seemed to have discovered a way around surface tension, even though it is rather embarrassing when their servants collapse when they are stabbed by canes. They meet with Abigail, who apologises but insists that she nearly managed to convince Jago to leave Litefoot and Leela. Both men don’t seem concerned as they state there are plenty of ways to divide and conquer. They decide to return Abigail back to where she came from. Abigail apprehensively insists they can’t do this to her, they promised. Both men nonchalantly repeal their agreement and one of them punches her, reducing her to a wailing cloud of dust before silence falls. Both men decide to continue their business by battling Jago and Litefoot another way…
