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Recap / Big Finish Doctor Who DOTD 3 Vengeance Of The Stones

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This was the third release in the Destiny Of The Doctor arc, created in cooperation with AudioGo for the 50th anniversary.

One day, following the mysterious disappearance of an airplane, Lieutenant Mike Yates is visited by the equally mysterious military force known as UNIT. Mike has heard talk of UNIT's affairs involving "little green men", but he's never had reason to believe it. After being introduced to the Brigadier, the Doctor and Benton, Mike is temporarily put in charge of a group of UNIT soldiers and the whole gang heads over to the moors to investigate.

The odd events turn out to be linked to groups of circular megalithic structures across the British countryside. While Mike gets used to the idea of aliens being real, and the Doctor suffers a momentary flight mishap and ends up nearly drowning, the aliens eventually reveal themselves as a group of scientists who came to Earth 4000 years ago. Fortunately, they're peaceful folk who only want to gather data and military intelligence. Unfortunately, the human warriors who encountered them 4000 years before didn't quite see things that way, and murdered most of them on the spot. The four survivors retreated to their stone healing chambers and spent all those years slumbering, until they were revived by drilling activity. Since they don't see any evidence that humanity has changed, they've decided to get a bit rough of these new humans.

The Doctor tries to reason with them, but only has bad news: he knows their planet, and saw it completely destroyed 3000 years ago. The aliens are the last of their species. When UNIT screws up and barges in at pretty much that exact moment, the alien survivors really can't cope with the revelation and decide to just kill everything on the planet to ensure their own survival. The Brigadier and Benton swiftly decide to go destroy the powered-up stones and depower the aliens, but the Doctor gets a recorded phone call from his future — and much younger-sounding — self, urging him to save the most important of the stones instead.

The Doctor sneaks out to go do just that, culminating in an all-out battle during which Mike manages to depower the key stone by earthing it. He's promptly offered a job at UNIT, and a promotion.

The Easter Aquhorthies stone circle is real, by the by.

