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Recap / Big Finish Doctor Who 110 The Boy That Time Forgot

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Rupert von Thal and his companion, Mrs. Beatrice Mapp, are travelling through a jungle before they're set upon by a gigantic scorpion like creature.

The Fifth Doctor and Nyssa are stuck in a distant prehistoric Earth that should never have been, but there he has to confront the Scorpion King and in him, His Greatest Failure.


  • Go Mad from the Isolation: Hundreds of years with only scorpion people to talk to has not exactly done wonders for the Scorpion King's sanity. He genuinely believes that tossing the Doctor into a pit with his pet monster is "a bit of fun" and his desperate attempts to get Nyssa to be his bride are decidedly unhinged.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Rupert shoves the last two Grandparents off of Star so that the others will be able to return to Victorian London.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: If Adric used Block Transfer Computation to transport both himself and Briggs' freighter into the bubble universe, then what was the "asteroid" that crashed to earth and killed the dinosaurs?
