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Recap / Big City Greens S 3 E 12

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Farmer Remy

Remy decides to find his "country grit" to help out on the farm, but finds it more difficult than he imagined. Bill tries to teach Cricket how to drive the tractor.

"Farmer Remy" contains examples of:

  • 2D Visuals, 3D Effects: The tractor's driving animations are rendered in CGI.
  • All Up to You: When Miss Debbie goes into labor, Nancy and Tilly come back with tools to assist, but the pen gets blocked by loads of hay bales. With Remy being the only one in the pen at the time, Tilly tells him he has to use the country grit he has to help Miss Debbie give birth, and he succeeds.
  • City Mouse: This episode focuses on Remy's inability to adapt to the rigors of farm life. He manages to get the hang of it at the end when the pregnant cow suddenly goes into labor and he has to deliver her calf by himself.
  • Clean, Pretty Childbirth: Averted. The newborn calf—and Remy, by extension—is covered in sticky mucus and fluids.
  • Drives Like Crazy: Bill fears that Cricket will go out of control when driving the tractor, so he gets too cautious teaching him, overexplaining all the parts of the tractor. Whenever Cricket tries to drive, Bill panics and startles him with his yelling, causing him to lose control. Cricket then tricks Bill into stepping out of the tractor and takes off, tearing through the field, but Bill then realizes that for all his recklessness, Cricket is actually handling the tractor surprisingly well. In the end, he admits that Cricket did a good job and will let him have more responsibility.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: After struggling to help out on the farm, Remy finally managed to succeed on helping out when Miss Debbie is in labor.
  • Failure Montage: Remy's attempts to help out on the farm doesn't go as planned.
  • Title Drop: Remy calls himself Farmer Remy.
  • Vomit Discretion Shot: After Remy tried to feed Miss Debbie, Nancy found out it was actually fertilizer the cow was eating, then Miss Debbie threw up on Remy's face protector.

Homeward Hound

Tilly has lost Saxon, so Phoenix takes it upon herself to go back to Big City and bring him back, but her mission is complicated when Melissa and Miss Brenda decide to tag along. Meanwhile, Gloria finds that Alice is not acting like herself, as the two go on a night out on the town.

"Homeward Hound" contains examples of:

  • A Day in the Limelight: For Phoenix, Miss Brenda, and Melissa.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Miss Brenda and Melissa show up just in time to stop Cogburn and free Phoenix.
  • The Bus Came Back: This is the first episode to feature Gramma and Gloria since "The Move"; at the end, Gramma decides to stay a while with her family in the country.
  • Exactly What I Aimed At: Melissa charges at Cogburn, but missed; Cogburn mocks her on that, but then she replies, "Wasn't aimin' for you!" and destroys Phoenix's cave, freeing her.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: While Cogburn was still rude to Phoenix, he wasn't wrong when he told her that the journey to Big City is all her.
  • Late to the Realization: After Gloria and Gramma talk about the latter missing her family, they see the farm animals in the living room.
    Gloria: I guess we'll need someone to take them back to the country, but who?
    Gramma: Well, I'm gonna have to look into some kind of service—OH MY GOSH, IT COULD BE ME!
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Gloria is surprised to find that Alice is not being her usual cranky old self, wanting to go out to a nightclub and party. She eventually realizes that it's because she misses Bill and her grandchildren.
  • Orbital Shot: When Tilly gets Saxon back from Phoenix, the camera circles around her as she holds him up.
  • Tears of Joy: Tilly wells up in happy tears when reuniting with Saxon.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Rooster, technically. Cogburn is noticeably absent from the group of animals when Gloria and Alice turn up at the farm. Though, given the whupping he took from Brenda, the old bird may have been sulking in the taxi, not wishing to be near them, or still out cold from that blow, or woken up back at Alice's place to find he'd been abandoned and forgotten.
