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Recap / Aventures Season 3

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Théo Silverberg

Several month have passed since the incident. Next to the ruins where they got reunited, he pays a last homage to his fallen friend and mentor Viktor resting beneath a makeshift tombstone. He is at the same time angry at him for his selfless sacrifice but also at himself for letting this happen in the first place. An old man named Bradok, who took care of Théo after the battle, politely urges him to leave promptly. Théo looks at a tied up man behind them and unsheathes his sword but the man frees himself and starts to run. Théo quickly catches him back, and the man begins to implore for his life. Théo replies that he knows that he is lying when he says that "they" will leave him be and that he has no use for him anymore. As he goes to cut his throat with his sword "Viktor", the mercenary says that "others will come". Once it's done, Théo and Bradok leave to meet Shin who is waiting for them.
  • FAIL — Théo (98/70): A critical Failed a Spot Check and the prisoner unties his bounds and run, pushing Théo who falls on and hurts his knee.
    Mahyar: That's not possible, even in a trailer?!

Shinddha Kory

In the mountains as the beginning of winter, an exhausted Shin decides to take time to admire the nature and the beautiful calm of the situation, while thinking about all his friends who, except Théo, are still missing. The moment is broken by a mercenary who pleads for his life as the last survivor of their failed assault on the Half-Elemental. Shin creates an ice coin while the mercenary is trying to explain the Intendants Guild is to blame and he was Just Following Orders. Before Shin can explain his little game, he spots the mercenary grabbing a throwing knife behind his neck and cripples him with an arrow to the knee. Pleading even more, the mercenary promises to deliver a message but Shin doesn't have the time and simply asks for info about his two lost friends, rumored to regroup to the East. Deciding the fate of the mercenary on a coin toss, which ends with a knife to the man's chest as Shin grabs a letter he wishes he could send to his friend Grunlek.
  • HIT — Shin (02/70): Shin spots the mercenary who was surrendering trying to grab his throwing knife, it gives him a 10% for his next action where he kneecaps the soldier.
    Shin: You never learn anything.


In the cold winter, Grunlek wakes up from a terrible nightmare in which he saw a familiar woman facing a colossal monster after the giant glared at him. Still sweaty, he realizes that his left arm —the organic one— is stuck in the ground, like if it was one with the earth, and takes it out. He remembers the past months of wanders, when he took B.O.B. —the only one he could really trust— in a very bad state to a nearby farm after the battle against the Death avatar and started looking for the others. The family of farmers accepted to take care of Balthazar until Grunlek's return or the mage's recovering. Eden suddenly appears from behind a tree, the fur in a mess from all the adventures, carrying a dead prey but also a scroll. It contains two papers: the first one is the wanted poster published by the Intendants Guild for the capture of the four adventurers, and the second comes from Shin: "Find us. We gather. We will strike back."

Balthazar Octavius Barnabé

B.O.B. wakes up in a barn in ragged clothes, a piece of soggy meat —presumably beef— in the hand. A little girl named Lina comes to greet him, telling him that a dwarf with a "metallic eye" told her that she had nothing to fear from him. She is soon joined by her mother who tells Balthazar that he was comatose for several weeks, and that he should leave soon as several men are looking for him and his companions in the next village ; she suggests him to heads eastward where adventurers usually gather, though they are seemingly endangered lately. B.O.B. summons Braise and politely asks for new clothes. The mother, slightly concerned, asks if B.O.B.'s condition is not contagious. Surprised, he looks himself in a mirror and realizes that he has scales on his cheeks and cat-like eyes.

Episode 01: Retrouvailles (Reunions)

The four friends finally meet after months of separation, at the East of the Crater; the Intendants Guild has an undisputed control over the country, and sent the Mercenary Guild after them. They are still followed by Eden, but also by Bradok, a man who serves the Church of Light and helped Théo after the incident, and Zul, a man working with the Explorers Guild. The latter is leading them to the leader of his Guild who will help them overthrow the intendants, but they have to go through a difficult path. Théo accidentally triggers a trap which fortunately rips on his holy armor. In the distance, they start to hear the scream of unknown creatures.

Episode 02: Dans la gueule du loup (Literally: In the wolf's jaw, but the English equivalent is: In the lion's den)

After managing to climb the stairs without anymore incidents (except realising how bad Zul is at being an Explorer), they reach a clearing with a tower; their destination. They see that the screams were of starving wolves and, rather than fight the pack, decide to try and sneak past them.
  • FAIL — B.O.B. (97/40): A Sneak check and he is too busy (loudly) gushing over Eden sniffing the stairs to see the wolves moving toward him.
    B.O.B.: Oh look at the she-wolf sniffing the stairs! Isn't she cute? Yes, you are. Oh, yes you are!
The group then changes its strategy and Grunlek proceeds to do as much noise as possible while Seb summons Icy to attack the wolves to scare them away. Théo soon joins them in their effort by making his armor shine as bright as possible. B.O.B. tries to create a small flame to scare the wolves but fail and is saved from a jumping wolves by Théo pushing it away.

Episode 03: En haut de la tour (At the top of the tower)

Having missed Théo, the wolf jumps toward Shin, only to be interrupted by Théo grabbing its tail, spinning to launch it back at the rest of the pack.
  • HIT — B.O.B. (02/65): A successful Spell check makes B.O.B. ignite the spinning wolf, killing him and, when it lands, making almost all its brethren stop in their track.
However, a wolf still jumps at Shin, managing to bit his leg. Eden arrives and scares the wolf away, making the whole pack flee. Once in the tower, Théo heals Shin's leg and they proceed to its top.
Once on the roof, they meet the Explorer's Guild chief, Vaal. As Zul sheepishly admits to have almost died from traps, Grunlek notices that both Zul and Val seem uneasy about the whole affair. When he turns toward Shin to warn him, the two of them see movement in the nearest tree.

Episode 04: Mensonges et trahisons (Lies and Betrayals)

Not knowing whether or not the man in the tree or Vaal and Zul are working together, against them or what they want, Grunlek puts Bradok and Zul on the ground and Théo moves behind Vaal in a position that would allow him to threaten or protect him while Shin points an arrow at the man.
The enemy archer attempts to fire at Val's head, only for Shin to shoot the arrow in flight and make the enemy lose balance, almost falling from the tree and losing his bow in the process. Right after that, Shin sees that two other trees near the tower also have an archer in each of them and warns the rest of the group. B.O.B. manages to throw a fireball at one of the trees, killing it's archer. However, the remaining archer has enough time to shoot Shin In the Back and the group sees that, in the tree where the first archer was spotted, there's also a warrior running on the branches to jump on the tower's roof. As Shin turns toward the archer who wounded him to fire back, Grunlek sees that only Zul isn't afraid as much as wanting to flee the place, and tries to knock him out.
  • FAIL — Grunlek (96/80)note : This fail allows Zul to not only dodge Grunlek's hit, but also to flee down the stairs laughing at the group.
Shin succeeds in killing the archer that wounded him with the same arrow he had lodged in him but moves toward the edge of the roof while doing so. As he kills the last armed archer, he feels someone behind him saying "You're mine."

Episode 05: Entre la vie et la mort (Between life and death)

The warrior immediately impales Shin and starts using him as an Human Shield while charging the group.Using his GrapplingHook, Grunlek yanks Shin off the enemy's blade just in time for B.O.B. to blast him with a cone of fire. Meanwhile, Théo sees the archer in the tree is aiming at either him or B.O.B. and, while not guessing who he is going to strike next, still manages to block the arrow.
The enemy warrior ends up in front of BO.B., set on making him pay for burning him. However, Théo attacks him before he can hit his friend.
  • FAIL — Enemy warrior (97/??) Trying to parry him, the enemy warrior spins too fast with the wrong stance and cut his arm.
    Mahyar: That's why the GM's checks are supposed to stay secret.
  • HIT — Enemy warrior (1/??) He then aims at B.O.B., with a mighty and deadly strike...
  • HIT — Théo (08/65 + 🎲)note  ...just before the blow hits however, Théo block the sword.
    Fred: That's the Shōnen's check.
Afraid of how close he had been to die, B.O.B. teleports in what flames remains of his previous spell, behind the warrior. Enraged at the enemy for almost killing Shin and B.O.B., Grunlek hits him.
  • HIT — Grunlek (01/65) gravely wounding their enemy in the process.
    Mahyar: You know in Mortal Kombat when the screen freeze and you see the opponent's organs wobbling? That's what you did.
Their enemy finally goes down, but not before uttering a Dying Curse, saying that not matter, if it's in this life or the next, he'll kill them. Shin then sees the last archer leaving the scene and the warrior's blood bubbling.

Episode 06: La loi du sang (Blood's law)

The group retreat inside the tower to avoid more potential attacks while B.O.B stays behind to analyze the blood, which Shin warned the rest of the group was acting strangely. B.O.B. sees that the blood is enchanted and, out of it, a humanoïd shape rise and talks to him.
It presents himself as Sanguinus, the leader of the Church of Blood, and warns B.O.B. that a lot of the Churches have become their enemies and offer an alliance, asking them to meet at Blue Wall's Pass in a few days. The bloody shape then crumble, the blood losing it's enchantements. B.O.B. rejoins the group and relay them the message. The adventurers then try to remember what they know about the Church of Blood.
  • HIT — Grunlek (01/40) Grunlek knows this Church well. Their domains are vengeance, honor and change. They have an history of going against other Churches' decisions, sometimes resulting in wars with them, all to help adventurers (which as a caste, are supposed to help the world progress).
    Krayn: I know him so well I call him Sangui.
Knowing that they can trust Sanguinus to not backstab them and that they need allies, the group decide to go to this meeting, but not before asking Vaal what he knew about the ambush. Vaal tells them he had been threatened into setting it up by the Mercenary's Guild and inform them that the enemy warrior they killed was named Rage and was the Mercenary's Guild chief's son. As an apology for leading them into this trap, Vaal assure them he'll personaly guide the group to Blue Wall's Pass.

Episode 07: L'antre de Sanguinus (Sanguinus' lair)

After two days of travel, the group is near the cavern where they will meet with Sanguinus, they just have to cross a river and through a waterfall.
  • FAIL — Théo (99/65) Théo's armor is heavier than he thought, making the crossing difficult. Not one meter into the water, his foot get stuck below a rock and he is immobilized, water splashing against his face.
    (Fred mimes someone drowning)
    Mahyar: I shouldn't have said you gained a level.
Braddock, Théo's butler/aide, and Grunlek helps him cross the river and Shin has to help B.O.B.. Once they all are on the other side, Grunlek and Shin try to observe their surroundings.
  • FAIL — Grunlek (99/70) Due to all the water of the river, there is a lot of drizzle and Grunlek, squinting his eyes to better see what's around them, has his eyebrows completely drenched in a few seconds and is unable to see anything.
    Mahyar: I apologize, I shouldn't have put a stream.
Shin detect numerous footprints, indicating at least fifteen men walked around there a short time ago. Suspicious, Shin summon his familiar and sends it exploring.
After great difficulties due to his small size, Icy manages to enter the cavern, which seems to be an old temple, and remarks a corpse. Startled, it manages to keep his calm and continue exploring and sees a lot of hooded figures. Shin recognize one of them as a Priest of the Church of Air, who was present at the summit, and another which match Grunlek's description of Sanguinus. Before it can observe more however, a priest almost sees it and, to avoid detection, Icy vanish.
Back outside, Shin relays what he saw to the group. After a small debate about who these figures could be and if they're friendly or not (during which Théo suggest they might just be allies Sanguinus collected like them), the group enters the cavern, Grunlek and Shin leading the march.
As they enter, they see that the corpse Icy detected earlier is in fact a much bigger pile of corpses.

Episode 08: Conseil de Guerre (Council of War)

Théo and Grunlek take a closer look at the corpse to identify who they were and how they died.
  • HIT — Grunlek (03/75) Grunlek sees that the corpses are of lesser acolytes of the Church of Blood, drained of all their blood to power one high level spell, it is also not uncommon for it to happen.
Théo and Grunlek step deeper into the cavern, while B.O.B. and Shin, suspicious, stayd at its entrance.
The mage and the paladin see lesser members of Sanguinus' Church, alongside two priests from different churches who were there at the summit.Sanguinus welcomes them, saying that unlike the other Churches which allied themselves with the Intendants, his Church will be their allies. Maddoc (a priest of the Church of Water) interrupts him, saying that they didn't say they were allied with the Intendants. By fear of destruction, most of the churches joined the Intendants' Guild. While Maddoc is blaming the group for the current situation, Théo is trying to reach an accord with him. After much bickering, Maddoc agrees, despite his church's alliance to the Intendants, to order his troops not to attack them. Trislant, the second priest, agrees to this proposition. The group them forms the plan of, with the churches' "help", reaching the seat of the Intendants' power, stealing the Codices, and then letting the churches know the Intendants can't destroy them and let them destroy the Intendants forces. Sanguinus then tells them that, despite their intention of destroying the Codices, he intends to keep them once they get them.

Episode 09: Infiltration

Having forged a alliance with two (three, counting Sanguinus') churches, the group then devises a plan to infiltrate Mirage, the Intendants' stronghold, to steal the Codices, thus allowing the churches to turn against the Intendants. They decide to give their weapons and armors, which would get them recognized and killed on the spot, to a merchant so they can travel to Mirage without risking being recognized. They don various disguises for their journey to the city.
On their journey, as they are passing a bridge, Théo's feet get stuck and they are blocked by a drunk guard. All their efforts to convince him to let them pass fail (Théo pretending to be a farmer needing to return to his field, Grunlek offering to repair the guard's sword if he let them pass, Shin playing a leper) and it looks like they'll be blocked for a while or will need to neutralize him, only for B.O.B. to bribe the guard with two golds. As they pass the bridge however, Théo sees the rest of the guards blocking the other side.

Episode 10: Du sel et du sang (Salt and blood)

Théo approaches the nearest guard, still pretending to be a peasant, but Grunlek sees the guards arguing among themselves and signals B.O.B. to open the mental connection so they can converse without blowing their cover.
  • FAIL — B.O.B. (99/60) As B.OB. tries to pass himself for an old woman, he feels himself burning and only has the time to jump into the river while shouting "I'm burning!".
    Mahyar: As far as diversions go, I'll give you that, an old lady bursting into flames is surprising.
Grunlek then points the leper (Shin) as the one responsible and Théo takes advantage of the diversion to Neck Snap the nearest guard. In reaction, the guards attack him, one impaling him with his halberd. As the other is about to do the same, he is interrupted by Sanguinus, who bends the blood dripping from Théo's injury into a barrier blocking the second halberd. However, the crossbowman still fires at Théo, knocking him out. Grunlek punches the last guard on the bridge into the water and Shin, having created two ice daggers during the fight, launches them at the guard who impaled Théo, killing him.
  • HIT — Grunlek (05/60) Grunlek moves toward the final halberdier and punches him with all his strength. The guard fails his attempt at dodging the blow and dies.
    Bob: Finally one who eats his own dick!
Shin creates an ice javelin and impales the crossbowmen.
While B.O.B. gets out of the water and rejoin his friends, they look at Théo, bleeding on the ground. Muttering that he hoped he didn't have to resort to it, B.OB. says he has an idea.

Episode 11: Un réveil douloureux (A painful awakening)

B.O.B. decides to enter an "elemental stance" and transfer some of his power to Théo to heal him enough for the paladin to wake up. Meanwhile, Grunlek and Shin put all the guards' corpses into the river, but not before stripping them of their armors and weapons. Théo wakes up and immediately berates Bradok for his uselessness. Surprised at his personality switch, B.O.B. fears he might have accidentally given Théo some of his démonic magic. The group, now disguised as guards, resumes their trip to Mirage, not encountering any other trouble on the way. During the trip, Grunlek and Shin agree to keep an eye on Sanguinus, remembering that he wants the Codices too while Théo, more salty than ever, just says he wants to burn everything.
Once they enter Mirage itself, Théo and Shin notice that some of the passerbies are observing them. Rather than trying to inform his friends about it, Théo just walks toward a woman he noticed and asks her: "Is this an ambush?" The woman answers, with a knife in her sleeves: "No yet, but it might turn into one.".

Episode 12: Garde rapprochée (Close guard)

Despite Théo's bluntness and threats, the group manages to defuse the situation enough for B.O.B. to realize than the woman is a member of the Thieves' Guild. He strikes a deal with her, telling her that, if she leave them alone, there will soon be enough ruckus for her and her colleagues to do anything they like in town for a while. As she agrees, they see an incoming guard patrol and, to avoid confronting them, the group enters Jodias' shop. Inside, they are greeted by a servant who wants to know why guards would come here. Reassuring the servant, B.O.B. makes him call for his master, who they find conversing with a woman. Surprised and worried about what guards may want with him, Jodias guides them, at Théo's demand, in a separate room while Shin remains with the woman. Striking a conversation with her, Shin discovers than she's a half-metal elemental and member of a family who trades precious metal and takes advantage of the political situation for their own goals. After a failure at coming up with a false identity for Grunlek, who the woman identifies as such, B.O.B., through the group mental connection, tells Shin to invite the woman in their meeting with the merchants, where they could interrogate her and either ally with her or kill her, should she proves a threat to their plans. Appealing to her greed, Shin guides her to the rest of the group. For a moment speechless at her arrival, Jodias quickly recognizes the group for who they really are.

Episode 13: Le souterrain des Intendants (The Intendant's underground)

Debating on what to do with the woman, the group asks Jodias if he think she is trustworthy. Despite dodging the question, B.O.B. and Grunlek understand that the woman has only one interest - money - and that she doesn't really care about the rest. Appealing to her greed, B.O.B. convinces her to not say anything about them with the same arguments he used on the thief outside. As she leaves the room, she promise them that, should they survive their ordeal, she would like to offer them a job.
Once the woman leave, Jodias reveals a tunnel in his office, tunnel which connects to the city underground and to the Intendants' Guild basement. After giving them some supplies (two healing potions and a rope, one of the potions used on Théo, who hadn't completely healed from the battle at the bridge), he bides the group farewell and they enter the underground.Due to the lack of light, they have trouble seeing anything but Grunlek and Shin see a ladder and warn Théo before he plummets to his death.
  • HIT — B.O.B. (02/35) B.O.B. remarks that, of the numerous armors placed into the underground, the one next to Théo seems to radiate magic, and may be trapped.
    Bob: Ha! I knew it! There's always a scorpion or an orc hidden behind a pillar!

Episode 14: Le couloir de la mort (The deadly corridornote )

Hearing B.O.B.'s warning, Théo Shield Bash the armor by reflex, blocking the armor's surprise attack and the battle begins. It being an enchanted armor, both B.O.B. and Shin stay out of the fight, knowing that only blunt attacks would have an effect against it. Théo decides to protect Grunlek while the dwarf hits the armor. Grunlek hits it, but the armor doesn't show any sign of being wounded and attacks him.
  • HIT — Théo (05/65) Théo blocks the blow and briefly destabilizes the armor.
B.O.B. remembers that those enchanted armors have an outside source of energy which power their enchantment and that, having no real weaknesses to speak of, they defeat their opponents by tiring them. Having told his friends that trying to destroy the armor would be pointless, Théo and B.O.B decide to go down the ladder and search for the magical source while Grunlek and Shin hold the armor off. Having decided on their next course of action, Shin rolls behind the armor and attempts to freeze its legs, but fails. Grunlek manages to catch the armor in a hold but realizes that he won't stop it, only slow it down. Shin tries to freeze the armor again, this time focusing on its shoulder.
  • HIT — Shin (05/75) Shin completely freezes the armor, immobilizing it completely for a few seconds.
    Seb: An ice cube! An ice cube!
Théo and B.O.B. break from the group and climb the ladder down, going further and further into the corridor. As they run, trying to find the source of the magic linked to the armor, they pass by more of them, Théo blocking their blows each times, culminating in him blocking two armors at the same time. While they were running, B.O.B.'s attention was briefly caught by a breathtaking painting which exuded harmony, but he snapped out of it and followed Théo. Meanwhile, Grunlek and Shin hear another armor climbing the ladder to their floor and try to throw the one they're holding at it, but, due to Shin failing to push it strongly enough, can't do it.
B.O.B. finally reaches the end of the corridor and sees a statue with an extended hand and, near it, three washbasins, each with a colored liquid and a bowl near it. Recalling the painting he saw, B.O.B. mixes the three liquids in a bowl in equal parts and puts it in the statue's hand. Every armors stop and turn toward B.O.B., who can only utters an "Oh shit."

Episode 15: Le secret des Intendants (Intendant's Secret)

Right after turning toward B.O.B., the armors return to their place into the wall and go back to their "off" setting. Shin and Grunlek rejoin Théo and B.O.B. and the four are standing in front of a magical gate. After observation, Grunlek and Balthazar conclude that it is meant to keep something out and only this something. The group passes the portal and continues into the corridor. They arrive in a big, dark room with an elevated platform in its middle and broken shackles in front of them. As they climb on it, they see the creature which looks like an human-snake hybrid. Trying to reason with it, Grunlek tells it they aren't hostile. Having seemingly remarked his tone, the creature stops in its tracks and emits a powerful roar. Both Grunlek and Théo keep their ground and the creature lets them pass.
In the back of the room, the group sees a chest which, after debating on who would open it, Théo does and sees numerous coins and a few mummy-like corpses. Dismissing the chest as not what they came for, he closes it and returns with the group, but not before Icy, who Shin had summoned earlier, grabs a coin. As they continue their march, Shin remarks that the coin doesn't look like anything used in the country. The group finally reaches the end of the corridor when they hear more voices.

Episode 16: Force de persuasion (Strenght of persuasion)

Shin sends Icy to explore the room and the familiar sees a servant carrying a tray of food. The servant sees Icy and calls for help, despite Théo and Grunlek's attempts to interrupt him by throwing his shield and sword and grappling him respectively. They still catch up with him and tackle him to the ground, after which the group debates on what to do with him. Despite Théo's desire to kill him, B.O.B. and Grunlek opt for interrogating him. After dragging him into the blackened corridor, B.O.B. scares Clovis, the servant, into giving them the location of the main office and learns that the room with the creature is the treasure room. After leaving Clovis sitting in the dark with order not to move for a few hours, the group resumes their progression into the building, only for Grunlek And Balthazar to feel something disturbing their magic. After examination, they discover that they just passed a magic disruptor field and proceed to the next room, where they see an old woman and a jester. B.O.B. move behind the woman and, as Théo runs toward the door to block the exit, a warrior they hadn't seen strikes a blow at him.

Episode 17: Icy le destructeur (Icy the destroyer)

Théo blocks the blow and attack the warrior in return with Grunlek's help, they manage to dodge and block their enemy's blows. Meanwhile, Shin tries to throw his knife at the jester but misses and the jester open a trap door. B.O.B. goes to sit next to the woman and start chatting with her, much to Théo's displeasure. After a few more blows dealt, Théo has enough and decides to charge the woman. Out of the trap door the jester opened jump three hounds, two of which attack Théo.
  • FAIL — Enemy hound (97/??) The first hound miscalculates his jump and jump straight in front of a charging Théo who doesn't stop, killing the dog without slowing down.
    Mahyar: You're like The Juggernaut in the X-Men movie.
Théo then dodges the other hound. B.O.B. then convinces the woman that Théo will kill her if she doesn't tell them anything useful. The old lady orders the warrior and the hound to stop, which they do.
As everyone is looking at each other, ready to fight again, she tells them she has a proposition for them, something that could change their life.

Episode 18: La taverne de la petite fille et du bouclier (The Little girl and the shield tavern)

The woman offers them the opportunity to restart their lives, promising enough gold to cover them. The group has a brief Imagine Spot where they imagine what they would do with so much money. The group imagine they opened an inn, Grunlek is the cook and has created his own brand of beer, Shin is the bartender and B.O.B. and Théo are servers. But they come to the realisation that such a life would be terribly boring and refuse the offer.
Desesperate to offer them something to save her life, the woman asks them what she can do for them. B.O.B. asks her informations on the Intendants wherabout. The woman tells them the Intendants left the city for the isle in the middle of the lake and that they're trying to use the Codices to summon a Titan. She also tells them that the building is surrounded by guards and that they're waiting for the adventurers. She also shows them that the anti-magical field is created by a special paint on the wall. Paint that is only in this room and part of the corridor.
As they exit the room, the group weights their options: They are in a building surrounded by guards who have their description, the Intendants are on an island and they need a boat to reach it. With no option left, they decide to just charge out of the building.

Episode 19: Un garde pas comme les autres (A guard unlike the others)

As they exit the room, B.O.B. turns left while the others go to the right. He find himself in a small room with crates of stuff and, after calling Grunlek, search for flammable oil, which he finds two cannister of. Shin sees the woman and the guard discussing, seemingly planning something and rejoins his two friends to grab a quiver full of arrows to avoid having to create more for a while. When they turn back to follow Théo, Balthazar sees the big guard looking at them with a sinister smile and so decide to burn the carpet at the turn of the corridor, to prevent them from following the group.
Meanwhile, Théo has reached the ground floor and heard two persons discussiong about the guard surrounding the house, one of the voice fearing to be caught in the crossfire or to be confused with them. Théo decides to wait for his friends. He is, however, detected by a guard.
As the guard approaches his hiding point, Théo charges him, ready to strike. The guard manages to block his attack but ends up pinned against the wall. As his friends finally reach him, Théo tries to headbutt the guard.
  • HIT — Enemy guard (02/40) The guard dodges the blow, frees himself from Théo's grip, and retreats a few feets into the hallway and draws his sword while calling for help.
    Fred: He's calling for help as he beat the shit out of us.
Grunlek tries to charges the guard, but he blocks his strike. Shin manages to shoot an arrow in his shoulder, but the guard isn't down and continues his calls for help. As the group hears the guard outside coming to help him, all attempt at creating a diversion foiled, the guard prepares his attack.

Episode 20: Journée portes ouvertes (Doors Open Day)

  • HIT — Grunlek (02/80) Grunlek hits the guard again and instantly knocks him out.
    Mahyar: You eventually do what you were supposed to do five turns ago.
The guard neutralized, Shin freezes a step on the stairs, so anyone trying to follow them would fall and hurt themselves. Meanwhile, Grunlek and Théo face a closed door. They both break it down after hearing a metallic sound they read as someone unsheathing a weapon and send a woman who was trying to see what happened flying across the room. Two guards face them while another one flees to get help. Théo and Grunlek try to attack the two guards, but Théo fails to hit his target and Grunlek doesn't damage him. They, however, manage to block both guards' attacks. Shin jumps above his friends and the two guards and, in mid-air, lodges an arrow In the Back of the fleeing guard, killing him instantly. Balthazar launches a helmet at one of the guard to distract him but it doesn't work.
  • HIT — Grunlek (01/80) Grunlek hits his guard and, this time, knock him out cold.
    Seb: The Shoryouken.
Shin then slices the throat of the remaining guard in front of Théo.
  • FAIL — Théo (96/65) Théo approaches the woman, intent of Double Tapping her, but fails.
    Bob: You're trying to kill her and you're giving her CPR!

Episode 21: Bander sa volonté (Bending one's will)

Now out of the burning building, the group sees a group of guards on one side and the way to the port on the other. Jaded by his recent uselessness, Théo half-hearteadly goes into that direction while B.O.B. tries to bend the building's flames to prevent the guards from following them, but fails. Shin manages to freeze the ground between them and the guards. Théo reaches two guards and half-hearteadly begins to fight them. Balthazar creates his own flames and burns half of the guards that were following them. Grunlek drags B.O.B. toward the rest of the group while Shin shoots at one of the guards.
  • HIT — Enemy guard (01/20) The guard dodges the arrow and chose to attack Shin instead.
    Krayn: Your guards aren't normal guards, they're bosses from previous campaigns who went legit.
Grunlek, having reached Shin just before the guard, blocks the blow before retaliating, only for the guard to block too.
  • HIT — Same Enemy guard (01/60) The guard hits Grunlek, only for his armor and shield to absorb the damage.
    Fred: It's the adventures of Krillin, Yamcha and Tenshinhan. We're watching the grown-up fight "Wow, you guys are so fast!".
Shin manages to shoot the guard and hit him while Balthazar keeps his fire barrier on and even augment it. After another exchange of blows, Théo tries to convince his opponent that fighting them would take too long only for them to die. The guard chooses to stop fighting and to watch how his friend fares.
  • HIT — Grunlek (01/60) Grunlek Shoryouken the guard, killing him.
    Mahyar: Grunlek hits from down to up, sending the guard 10 cm of the ground.
Having seen that, the remaining guard flees and the group continues their journey toward the port, only to have an horsmen charge at them, Théo dodges the charge and manages to cut the horse's rear legs, sending it and its rider to the ground.

Episode 22: L'appel du sang (Blood's call)

The group continues running toward the port while hearing more guards running after them.
Running amidst the burning buildings, they soon see Sanguinus, cribbled with crossbow bolts. He falls on his knees while rambling about serving the adventurers and drinking. B.O.B. and Shin understand that he could unleash his full power and drink the blood of everyone in the city, but needs their authorization to do so. While deciding what to do (Grunlek and Balthazar want to save him, Théo and Shin don't), B.O.B. and Shin try to buy them more time but fail. Grunlek asks further information about this process to Sanguinus and Théo finally agrees to save the leader if he don't try to drink anyone. Grunlek jam their last heal potion into Sanguinus' throat.
The group continue toward the port, Grunlek helping Sanguinus. Once they reach the docks, they are interrupted by a thug. Théo scares him and, as another one exit the nearest boat, a dwarf follows them and makes it clear that were the looters to harm them, the Thieve's Guild would kill them.While they board a ship, B.O.B. warns the looters to flee and burns the other boats to prevent the army from following them.

Episode 23: In the Navy

As the group boards the ship, B.O.B. continues to burn down the port. After they figure how to mann the ship, the party sails toward the isle where the Intendants are.
However, since this is their first time on a ship, both Théo (who mans the helm) and Shin (on the lookout) have trouble navigating and a ship that Balthazar didn't destroy manages to catch up with them. However, the heroes don't see it until it's meters away from colliding.
Balthazar tries to steer the ship away from it to lessen the damage of the collision, but Théo, oblivious to the incoming threat,stays the course. From the top of the enemy ship, the man who chased them when they found a revived Théo shouts "You killed my son!", revealing him as Rajh's father and the head of the Mercenaries Guild. B.O.B. and Théo's struggle for the wheel ends up making the ship sway a bit too much and Shin is destabilized. Before he falls, he still manages to shoot the helmsman of the other boat and kills him. Another crewmember falls off the ship and the collision is imminent when a Water Elemental appears below the water.

Episode 24: A l'abordage! (Let's board them!)

Théo tries to make the ship steer a bit to have Shin falls along the sails but fails. Grunlek jumps to catch him and, despite his jump being slightly too short, somehow still reaches Shin and crashes into the sail. B.O.B. and Théo see blood tainting the sail. Grunlek's blood. Sanguinus powered his jump using that blood, allowing him to save his friend.
The ships collide, damaging both and blocking them all. Théo boards the enemy ship but realizes he is massively outnumbered and calls for help. Grunlek, still dazed from the rescue, can't keep his balance and isn't able to join him. Shin, meanwhile, climbs back on the lookout to get a better view of the enemy ship and sees how many people they're up against. He also sees that, below their ship, there are numerous water elementals similar to the one who delivered the prophecy, but can't count them. Balthazar, knowing that he can't risk setting fire to any ship, enters his elemental stance and rushes toward Théo, to help him fight in melee.
As he runs, he sees that a monster is emerging between the ship, a predatory one.

Episode 25: Piège en haute mer (Litterally: Trapped at high sea, but it's the French title of the movie Under Siege)

Fred tries to convince the enemy leader to fight him one-on-one, but he refuses and attacks him. Théo blocks the blow and counter by kicking him away and retreat toward his friends.
Grunlek and B.O.B. board the enemy ship, B.O.B. having a little difficulty doing so. balthazar feels magic coursing through their enemy's axes, shortly before he spits an enormous fireball at them, which B.O.B. recognize being made with the fire he absorbed months earlier.
Théo and Grunlek form a line, protecting the rest of the party from the flames, and are charged by the boss.
  • FAIL — Grunlek (100/80) Grunlek tries to stop their enemy in its tracks, but his arm comes to life again and throw him at sea.
    Bob: It's like that one Buggs Bunny cartoon where his arm grab him by the collar and throw him out.
Just when the boss is about to hit them, two giant Water elemental emerge from the sea. One of them asks Shin "What are you ready to give me?"

Episode 26: Waterworld

Shin is willing to give the mana they ask for if they save Grunlek and shifts into an elemental stance to be able to give them more. Meanwhile, Grunlek regains control of his arm and grappels himself to the ship.
The Mercenaries' Guild leader tries to convicne them to cease their attack, saying that they can't fight everything at the same time, but Théo wants him to give them their ship and tries to bluff that the Elementals are their allies. The discussion is interrupted by B.O.B. who, having reached them, hits the enemy with his staff.
The enemy retreats a few feets and prepares his next move, while Grunlek starts to have trouble breathing. Théo infuses his shield with lightning and charges their enemy, only for the axes to absorb the electricity.
Just when the enemy is about to release his attack, Shin begins to talk with the voice of the elementals, repeating the prophecy from their first meeting with the Water Elemental and asking the party what they are fighting for.

Episode 27: Level up

The adventurers give their answers to the elementals: Grunlek wants the world to be more tolerant, Shin wants it to be free and B.O.B. wants to give it a future. As Théo is about to answer, he slashes the Mercenaries' leader and says he wants justice. The enemy falls off the ship and into the sea.
Théo tries to frighten the rest of the crew into working for them, but fails. Suddenly they see their fallen enemy climbing on one of the elemental with the intention of draining it of all its mana. Grunlek and Shin shoot him and Sanguinus deliver the killing blow with his magic.
Balthazar, still in his semi-demonic form, approach the crew and tells them that, if they want to live, they will sail them to the island.

Episode 28: L'île des Intendants (The Intendants' Island)

The crew of the ship, aided by the two elementals, dropped the group on the shore of the island before leaving. The group ventures into the forest, but Théo's shield detects a surge of magic. A strange portal opens, through which a giant eye observing them can be seen. The portal then closes and the group continues onward.
A few minutes later (during which B.O.B. learns that Sanguinus isn't the man's name, but his title as the chief of the Church of Blood, church whose magic is only possible because of a strange mutation), they reach a bridge on which a portal opens again, this time a giant hand exiting it, blocking the way. Shin decides to shoot it while Grunlek crosses the river a few meters away.
After being hit by the arrow and searching for Shin a few moments (during which he hears chains clinging on the other side of the portal), the hand disappears and the portal closes, before the ground below Shin starts to shake. Shin manages to jump out of the way before the hand catches him from below the ground.
The group then starts running toward the center of the island, where the invocation is taking place, while avoiding the Titan's efforts to catch them.

Episode 29: Tirer ou pointer (Shooting or pointing)

They reach the bottom of a hill when they see tree trunks rolling down toward them followed by a giant rock seen by Shin from the top of a tree. Balthazar runs for cover, Théo ducks to the ground but, while it protected him from the trunks, he landed just where said big rock would fall. Grunlek opts to jump toward the trunk falling toward him and puch it, which he manages to do, only for his momentum to make him land at Théo's side. Shin jumps above the trunks but lands next to his two friends.
Just before the rock flattens them, B.O.B. hatches a plan that he communicates through the group's mental link. Shin will jump out of the way, dragging Grunlek and Théo with him while Grunlek punches the ground to give them more momentum.
  • HIT — Grunlek (10/70 + 🎲)note  Grunlek propulse them with great force.
Shin jumps and drags them. As the rock lands, both B.O.B. and Sanguinus are impressed by this mmove.

Episode 30: Vivre et laisser mourir (To live and let die)

They reach the top of the hill, where they see some Intendants. Théo approaches them, his sword drawn, telling them to give him the Codices. B.O.B. follows him and sees that the Intendants are shaken and deeply afraid of something else than the paladin with his sword drawn. Grunlek, having approached the group from another direction, hears someone whistling happily. Meanwhile, Shin observes that the hole they are passing by is less deep than it appears. Suddenly, the group's mental link breaks. B.O.B. asks Sanguinus to keep an eye open and then asks the Intendants to explain what they are so afraid of and to tell them where the invocation is cast.
The Intendants explain that someone took them and that they are merely a sacrifice for this someone.
After debating about what to do with them (B.O.B. wants to kill everyone that isn't part of their group, Grunlek can't decide himself and Shin and Théo want them brought to justice), Balthazar asks Sanguinus to restrain the Intendants without killing them. Obeying, the leader of the Church of Blood uses his magic to force the Intendants to follow him.
They walk toward the whistleing and Théo sees Enoch, eating a corpse. Théo is surprised to see the demon here, and then sees that the Light Elemental they met before note  is here too. She asks him to not interfere.

Episode 31: Réunion familiale (Family reunion)

Enoch starts to explain the plan him and Icarus (the light elemental) came up with: summoning the Titan and, since it would constantly leak mana, giving every person in the Crater acccess to magic. When Théo points out that that would be giving everyone access to a potential weapon, Icarus intervene to say that they would destroy every Church except for the Church of Light, which she and Théo would reform to watch over the world. Théo is tempted, but since he isn't sure if he can trust them and still thinks it's a dangerous idea, refuses. B.O.B., meanwhile, says that it's not their real intention, and that they just want to give magic to everyone so they could feed on it. He also realises that Hannibal's plan was to remove magic from the world to prevent elementals from manipulating humanity, although he agrees that removing magic all at once isn't the solution either.
Meanwhile, having detected something strange from the pillar near them, Grunlek moves closer to inspect it without Enoch or Icarus seeing him and asks Shin (who felt that there was something strange, but not where it came from) to check its upper half. Enoch, having wandered off a few meters, comes back with someone who he asks B.O.B. to greet as his new step-mother.
It's Arcana, now a Succubus after Balthazar destroyed the region in his demonic form.
Having inspected the pillar, Shin discover that the Codices are in it, but that he can't get to them since they're protected by an illusion cast by Icarus and decides to shoot her to break the illusion so he can grab them.
Just when Enoch asks where Grunlek and Shin are, not having seen them for the whole conversation, Shin shoots.

Episode 32: Paladin ou Inquisiteur (Paladin or Inquisitor)

Icarus flinches when the arrow hits her in the back. Enoch's eyes widen and he shouts "Traitor" before moving in front of her. She speeds up the invocation and the ground begins to shake as two giant hands appear.
  • HIT — B.O.B. (05/30) Balthazar manages to perfectly keep his balance.
    Mahyar: Like in Robocop, your feet are fixed to the ground.
The group focuses their attacks on the pillar to topple it and make the Codices falls at hand's reach. Grunlek punches it, Théo charges it and B.O.B. tries to launch a fireball at it, only to miss and set fire to the bushes instead while Shin shoots Icarus again.
Enoch orders Arcana to attack B.O.B. but Théo jumps in front of her, parry the blow and proves insensible to her attempt at seduction.
The ground shakes more and more, before being elevated by the giant hands.

Episode 33: L'apocalypse commence (The apocalypse begins)

As the ground is lifted higher and higher, it begins to crack. Théo focuses his attacks on Arcana while Grunlek transforms into his elemental stance to grab the Codices in an attempt to destroy them or, if he can't, use his body to contain them. Balthazar partially transforms and tackle his father to prevent him from interfering (Enoch having begun to cast a spell around the Codices). Shin also transforms and uses all his mana to power his next shot.
They are now higher than they ever were and the ground has shattered into two small "islands" with Théo and Arcana on one and the others on the second.
Enoch has been tackled to the ground and Grunlek has grabbed the Codices. Shin shoots Icarus and she seems to be almost dead. Arcana tries to jump toward B.O.B. to strike him, but Théo pushes her off the island, although she manages to hold on to the ledge.
Enoch gets up, saying he has had enough, as the clouds part and the sky reddens in a manner the group recognizes all too well.

Episode 34: Décisions cruciales (Crucial decisions)

Balthazar tries to punch his father, asking him to stop everything. Enoch says he'll do it only if B.O.B. gives him his powers. B.O.B. refuses and instead tries to absorb his father's power himself.
Meanwhile, having seen that Arcana didn't fall and is about to launch her spears at Balthazar, Théo grabs a corpse nearby and launches it at her. She empales it while still holding on to the ledge, allthough her options are now severely limited.
Grunlek, still holding onto the Codices, finds his spirit transported somewhere where Icarus' last figment of humanity are with the titan, echoing the nightmare he had before reuniting with Shin and Théo. Grunlek hears her laments and concludes that she crossed the Despair Event Horizon and thinks humanity should dissapear so that elementals can reshape the world. Grunlek tries to convince her there is still hope, but begins doubting mankind himself.
In the physical world, the group hear Grunlek saying that there's no hope for mankind. Shin sees that the surface of the meteor summoned by Enoch is covered in demons. After hesitating about whether to shoot the wounded Icarus or not, Shin shoots her and kill her.
As she dies, Grunlek's voice changes and the dwarf says that humanity has no place on the Crater.

Episode 35: Fin (1ère Partie) (The End (Part 1))

Arcana, having climbed up, runs toward B.O.B.'s back and is about to impale him.
  • HIT — B.O.B. (06/35 + Passion)note  Balthazar dodges the blow and grabs the spear.
    B.O.B.: It's funny, as a stepmom, you're already pissing me off.
Enoch moves to Icarus' side, who then tells him that, since the group doesn't comprehend what they want to do for them, they have to force the evolution. Théo tries to jump to his friends side but, having forgotten the weight of his armor, almost falls to his death and barely manages to cling to the island. Shin shoots Arcana who tries to claw Balthazar's face as Théo climbs up on the island.
As for Grunlek, he has now fused with the Codices and having been swallowed by chains, now one with the Titan, attempts to kill the three adventurers who he sees as insects preventing him from accomplishing his mission. He hits the island, trying to break the ground.
  • HIT — B.O.B. (01/80) Balthazar punches Arcana as she was about to claw him, puching her off the island.
    Balthazar: Kisses, mommy.
B.O.B. also hears Enoch asking Icarus to give him her powers to help him, which she accepts and then dies. Théo calls down the lightning on Grunlek and badly damages him before the dwarf attacks them with the chains, now electrified and hurts each one of them. Grunlek tries to regain his senses but fails and Enoch, having seen Grunlek getting hit by lightning, deems him too weak as a vessel for the Codices and uses his magic to extract them from him before jumping off the island. B.O.B. grabs Arcana's spear and jumps after him, set on impaling him in mid-air. As Théo rejoins Grunlek and Shin, the island finally breaks and they fall.

Episode 36: Fin (Dernière partie) (The End (Last part))

While free-falling, B.O.B. tries to throw the spears at his father, but fails. Meanwhile, the Titan is slowly moving and Enoch, having absorbed Icarus' power, uses wings of light to fly toward its shoulder with the Codices. Grunlek tries to come back to his senses again, but fails. Shin wants to use his elemental jump to grab Théo and Grunlek and to rejoin Balthazar.
  • FAIL — Shin (96/70) Shin grabs his friends, focuses his power... and ends up freezing his hands to them, holding the three of them together and not moving.
    Mahyar: You're held together by Shin's Power of Friendship.
  • HIT — Théo (05/65) Théo shifts into his elemental form and, using the wings that have appeared on the back of his armor, glides toward B.O.B., grabs him, and lands on the Titan's shoulder.
Grunlek finally comes back to his senses and tries to remember what he perceived during his fusion with the Codices while Enoch, having landed on the Titan's hand, is once again trying to enslave it. The group sees that chains (symbol of a fusion with the Codices) are moving and that they're creating elementals.
  • HIT — Théo (04/70) Théo run toward a chain and slice it in a single blow.
    Bob: It was like in a Japanese anime, first it seems like nothing happened and then schuin, a ray of light and it explodes.
The rest of the group manages to destroy the second chain before making their way toward Enoch, who is still on the Titan's hand. Grunlek discovers that merely stopping the ritual would send the Titan back to its universe, which it would be glad for. However, dispelling such a creature of mana would create side effects in the whole region. They dodge an explosion and reach Enoch, surrounded by chains. Knowing they have no chance of beating him, the group devises their final plan, based on the fact that Grunlek is the only one that has interact edwith the Codices.
B.O.B. tries to distract his father by talking with him, Shin uses his elemental jump to propulse Théo carrying Grunlek into the air, Théo glides toward the demon, as if to attack him, only for Grunlek to jump off him and grab the Codices. The plan goes off without an itch...
  • FAIL — Grunlek (98/75) ... only for Grunlek to actually merges with the Codices, once again.
    Enoch: (panicking) Tell me this wasn't your plan!
    B.O.B.: No. But I'm glad it fucked up yours.
Having completly ruined his father's plan, B.O.B. convince Enoch that helping them is only way for all of them to not be killed by Grunlek who's fusing with the Titan and wants to murder them all. Enoch reluctantly accepts and manages to open a mental connection between the group and the remains of Grunlek's consciousness. Grunlek is convinced to come back just as the Titan shakes them all off his hands, and they fall into the water.
With the Titan gone, the number of Churches diminishes and new creatures appear. The group is only saved by Sanguinus transmitting the life force of his prisoners to them.
And the Adventure Continues...
