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Recap / Attack On Titan S 1 E 22 Defeated

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While Mikasa distracts the Female Titan in order to get Eren back, Levi debilitates the Female Titan at high speeds, but Levi injures his leg when saving Mikasa from leaving herself vulnerable. Mikasa then goes with Levi, who retrieves Eren from inside the mouth of the Female Titan, leaving it badly wounded and slumped against a tree. The Scout Regiment retrieves the corpses of their fallen comrades, with Erwin ordering that the lost corpses be reported missing in action. On their way back into town, the Scouts are chased by two Titans, one of which is killed by Mikasa. They outrun the other Titan after Levi reluctantly orders to dispose some of the corpses in order to lighten the wagon's load. Later, Eren wakes up from a dream of his past and finds himself and the Scout Regiment back at town safely behind Wall Sina. The townspeople not only berate the Scout Regiment's ineptitude, but also become enraged and upset at Erwin over the failure of the mission and the casualties that were sustained. But two kids watch the soldier with awe, commending them for their persistence. As a result of the failed expedition, Erwin and his subordinates are summoned to the capital, where the final decision of Eren's custody will be made.


  • Attack Its Weak Point: For eagle-eyed viewers, Levi's fighting pattern consists almost entirely of this.
    • He opens by waiting for her to try to strike a punch & he slices through the arm's muscles to disable it.
    • He then stabs his blades into her eyes to blind her and leaves the blades there to stop them from regenerating.
    • He then cuts all the tendons on her legs to immobilize her and while she's busy using her other free hand to protect her nape, he cuts through almost everything else to render her completely incapacitated. The fight would've almost been a perfect curb-stomp if Mikasa hadn't jumped the gun.
  • Cold Equation: Levi orders his men to dump their fallen comrades' corpses to lighten their load so they can escape the titans chasing them and return home safely.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: The Levi vs Female Titan fight is almost comically lopsided in Levi's favor.
  • Distressed Dude: Eren has been abducted by the Female Titan at the beginning. Mikasa & Levi rescue him early on.
  • Not Hyperbole: Everything said about Levi's unbelievable Titan-killing powers turns out to have been 100% accurate
  • Properly Paranoid: Mikasa wants to kill the Female Titan, but Levi cautions her against it by pointing out that she has demonstrated powers and abilities that neither of them have been trained to deal with. A prediction that is proven accurate, when Mikasa goes in for the kill anyway and Levi has to protect her and gets his leg broken in the process.
  • Sickening "Crunch!": When Levi lands on the Female Titan's hand to protect Mikasa after Mikasa impulsively tries to go for the kill, this sound is heard while his leg can be seen breaking.
  • Spectacular Spinning: Levi's fighting style mostly consists of these types of movements and it is glorious.
