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Recap / Around the World with Willy Fog

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  1. The Wager: Willy Fog hires former circus performer Rigodon as his new butler, unaware that Rigodon is accompanied by his pint-sized friend, Tico. Later, Fog tells his colleagues at the Reform Club that he has read an article which suggests one could travel around the world in as little as eighty days and, when four of the others say this is impossible, announces that he will prove it can be done by making the trip himself. His detractors wager £5000 each that he will not complete the journey in time.
  2. Bon Voyage: As Fog, accompanied by Rigodon and Tico, sets off on his expedition, two factors threaten to scupper his plans. Inspector Dix of Scotland Yard believes Fog was behind a recent robbery at the Bank of England and, along with Constable Bully, has been sent to trail him and look for evidence against him. Meanwhile, Sullivan, one of the group who bet against Fog, hires a saboteur known as Transfer to prevent Fog from succeeding by any means necessary.
  3. The Mysterious Mademoiselle: In Paris, Fog and Rigodon accept a lift from what seems to be an attractive French lady, only to find that they are being driven in the wrong direction. Their companion, who is really Transfer in disguise, hijacks the coach and tries to throw Rigodon off when he intervenes. Tico comes to the rescue, revealing himself to Fog, and becomes an official member of Fog's party.
  4. The Temple of Doom: Transfer sabotages the Mongolia, the ship on which Fog and his party are sailing to India, delaying the travellers' departure from Suez. Shortly after, he steals Fog's passport and rides off into the desert with the travellers in pursuit. The travellers retrieve the stolen passport and meet Professors Frik and Frok, who give Tico an Ancient Egyptian sun clock.
  5. The Counterfeit: During the voyage to India, Fog and his party make the acquaintance of Brigadier Corn, who is on his way to rejoin his regiment. Meanwhile, Transfer disguises himself as Fog and attempts to break into the latter's cabin, only to be interrupted when Bully appears on the scene. Bully, having just seen Fog on the deck, thinks he has seen a ghost and tells Dix, who takes him below to prove there is no such thing.
  6. Bombay Adventure: The travellers arrive in Bombay where Transfer, disguised as Fog once more, tricks Rigodon and Tico into thinking the train to Calcutta has been delayed. However, Transfer's disguise is so convincing that Dix and Bully think he is the real Fog and arrest him. Meanwhile, Tico and Rigodon incur the wrath of some local monks when they inadvertently violate their temple and Rigodon compounds their crime by hanging his hat on a sacred cow's horns.
  7. The End of the Line: Fog and his party, accompanied by Corn, are travelling across India when they learn that the railway linking Bombay and Calcutta is still under construction. They must now trek through the jungle to Allahabad and ask a local guide if he will take them there on his elephant, Koa. The guide says he cannot help them as Koa needs rest, but Transfer knocks him out, steals Koa and disguises himself as the guide.
  8. The Deadly Jungle: Transfer, posing as the guide, leads Fog and his companions deep into the jungle as the real guide enlists the help of Dix and Bully to track down the stolen Koa. Later, Transfer tries to leave the travellers stranded, only to be thwarted by Koa, who throws him across the jungle. With Rigodon taking temporary charge of Koa, the travellers continue their journey and presently find themselves in the path of a mysterious procession.
  9. The Remarkable Rescue of Romy: The travellers learn that the beautiful Princess Romy is to be burned alive on her late husband's funeral pyre as a sacrifice to the goddess Kali. Rather than allow her to die in such a terrible manner, Fog resolves to save her and the party head for the temple where she is being held. Rigodon risks being captured and killed by the high priestess and her followers to single-handedly rescue Romy from the pyre.
  10. A Present for Parsi: After escaping from the jungle, the travellers cross paths with the guide who, overjoyed to be reunited with Koa, agrees to escort them to Allahabad. Romy recovers from her ordeal, but fears she will be in danger if she stays in India and asks if she can accompany Fog and his party as far as Singapore where her uncle and aunt live. After parting company with Corn, the travellers continue on to Calcutta.
  11. Guilty as Charged: Shortly after the travellers arrive in Calcutta, Rigodon and Tico are arrested by the local police. Fog, learning that his two companions have been charged with sacrilege over the incident at the temple in Bombay, elects to defend them at their trial. But the travellers have only a short time before they must catch the Rangoon, the ship which will take them on the next stage of their journey.
  12. Shipwreck: Sailing to Singapore, Fog and his companions relax on board the Rangoon. When the travellers arrive in Singapore, Fog and Romy set out to track down the latter's uncle and aunt, learning that they have moved to Hong Kong. The travellers continue on to Hong Kong and, on the day before they are due to arrive, find themselves in the path of a typhoon.
  13. The Butler's Dilemma: In Hong Kong, Fog tries to reunite Romy with her uncle and aunt, but it turns out that they both died the previous year and Fog invites Romy to come and live with him in England. Meanwhile, Rigodon and Tico encounter Dix, who is determined to make sure Fog stays in Hong Kong until the arrest warrant from Scotland Yard arrives and tries to enlist Rigodon's help to detain him. Transfer knocks Dix out and takes his place, drugging Rigodon and Tico and having Bully put them on board the Carnatic, the ship on which the travellers were due to sail to Japan.
  14. En Route for Yokohama: Rigodon and Tico wake to find themselves on the Carnatic and at the mercy of Transfer, who is disguised as the ship's stoker. Meanwhile, left behind in Hong Kong, Fog and Romy are looking for another ship to take them to Japan and eventually manage to book passage on a Chinese junk. Rather than allow Fog to escape again, Dix and Bully accompany Fog and Romy when they embark on their latest voyage.
  15. Akita's Circus: Finding themselves stranded in Yokohama, Rigodon and Tico seek work at a local circus to earn the money they need to return home. When Fog and Romy arrive in Yokohama, they set off in search of their missing companions and trace them to the circus. Transfer, posing as the circus's knife-thrower, tries to kill Tico and Rigodon, but is thwarted by Fog who is at the circus with Romy.
  16. Hawaiian Party: The travellers are sailing across the Pacific on board the General Grant when Transfer sabotages the ship's water supply, forcing the captain to make an unscheduled stop in Hawaii. When Fog and his party go ashore with the captain, they learn that Kahula, the daughter of the local king, is dangerously ill. Romy must draw on her medical knowledge to save Kahula and avoid incurring the wrath of her superstitious father.
  17. A Trip in a Balloon: On the night before the travellers are due to reach San Francisco, Transfer sets fire to the General Grant's sails, forcing the ship to stop in Mexico for repairs. Shortly after, a hot air balloon crashes into the General Grant and Fog, who must get to San Francisco within twenty-four hours, buys the balloon from its owner, Manolo Perez. Once the balloon has been repaired, Fog and his companions take off, only to find that they have two extra passengers in the form of Dix and Bully.
  18. The Showdown: As the travellers drift towards San Francisco in the balloon, the extra weight added by Dix and Bully causes them to start losing altitude, until the two detectives are pitched into the sea. When the balloon arrives in San Francisco, the locals decide to use it as target practice, but the travellers manage to land safely. Transfer orchestrates a fight between Fog and the Dingo Kid, the leader of a gang of outlaws, in which Fog faces off against the Dingo Kid's gun while armed with only his cane.
  19. Moment of Truth: As Fog and his party, which now includes Dix and Bully, travel across America, Transfer continues to try and delay them. First, he deliberately stampedes a herd of buffalo across the path of the train, causing it to be held up for several hours. Later, disguised as a maintenance man, he sabotages a bridge over a gorge, forcing Fog to take the desperate gamble of attempting to direct the train across the bridge at top speed.
  20. Warpaint in the West: A band of Sioux Indians attack the train on which Fog and his companions are travelling. Once the Indians have been driven off by Fog, Rigodon, Bully and Dix, Transfer, disguised as one of the Indians, boards the locomotive and knocks the driver and the stoker unconscious, sending the train careering out of control. Rigodon and Tico are captured by the Indians after they fall off the locomotive, which they have uncoupled from the train, during a fight with Transfer and Fog forgoes the chance to continue on to New York in order to look for them.
  21. A Very Special Train: Reunited, the travellers attempt to reach Omaha by using a railroad handcar. The handcar crashes and the travellers are walking across the prairie when they encounter a stagecoach whose driver, Jed Armstrong, agrees to give them a lift. Transfer leads a gang of outlaws in an attack on the stagecoach, but the travellers manage to outrun them.
  22. Below Zero: With heavy snow preventing trains from travelling between Chicago and Buffalo, Fog and his companions set out to cross the Great Lakes in an ice boat. But Tico, the smallest member of the party, is unable to endure the cold and the travellers are forced to seek shelter in a log cabin. When Tico subsequently falls ill, Fog resolves not to continue his journey until Tico is well enough to travel again.
  23. Destination Liverpool: Having just missed the China, the ship on which they were due to sail home, Fog and his party book passage on the Henrietta, a cargo ship bound for Bordeaux. By not sailing directly to England, Fog risks missing his deadline, but when Transfer, posing as the ship's cook, attempts to poison Fog, it is the ship's captain, Andrew Speedy, who eats the tainted food and falls ill. Speedy gives Fog command of the Henrietta and orders him to head for Liverpool so he can receive medical attention.
  24. Fire Down Below: Fog and his companions are sailing across the Atlantic when they find themselves in the path of a hurricane. Despite knowing the risks involved, Fog orders the Henrietta brought up to full speed, but the ship's entire stock of coal is used up in the process. With the sails destroyed in the storm, Fog purchases the Henrietta from Speedy and has the ship gutted in order to use the wood on board as fuel.
  25. Last Train to London: When the travellers arrive in Liverpool, Dix places Fog under arrest, only to learn that the real bank-robber is already in custody. Fog is released and the travellers set out to catch the train to London, but Transfer drives them in the wrong direction and they miss their train. With the next passenger train due too late to reach London in time for him to win the wager, Fog persuades the driver of a freight train to accommodate him and his companions.
  26. What a Difference a Day Makes: Having arrived in London a few minutes too late, Fog faces financial ruin, with most of what is left of his fortune after travel expenses and other costs owed to those who bet against him. But, during their travels, he and Romy fell in love and, while he is talking about his plans for the future, she asks him to marry her. It then emerges that, by travelling around the world from west to east, Fog and his companions gained an extra day, meaning Fog can still win the wager.
