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Recap / American Housewife S 1 E 13 Then And Now

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The Ottos are being evicted from their house by Don, their landlord's son. It's up to them to find his mother to get her to stop the sale, as the house will be torn down by any interested buyer for the land it's sitting on. As they search, they remember first moving into the house over a year ago...


  • Flashback Episode: To when the Ottos first moved to Westport.
  • Flashback with the Other Darrin: Taylor is, of course, played by Meg Donnelly in the flashback, which is set before the pilot in which she was played by Johnny Sequoyah.
  • Fleeting Passionate Hobbies: Oliver is shown to be in the midst of a Harry Potter phase when he first moves to Westport. Before that he had a Lemony Snicket phase.
  • Series Fauxnale: There's a threat of their home being taken from them and discussion of leaving Westport, and a flashback to where it all began. This was also the 13th episode, completing the initial series order before the "back nine", which means it would have been an appropriate place to stop had more episodes not been ordered, and the episode seems to have been produced with this in mind. (It was even written by the show's creator and two showrunners.)
