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Recap / American Dragon Jake Long S 02 E 25 Magic Enemy Number 1

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Now is that a million US dollars or magical dollars?

Sick and tired of Rotwood's attempts to get him to slip up and reveal himself as a dragon, Jake takes to a blog to vent. But when Jake accidentally gives the magical creatures reading his blog the idea that he's putting a bounty out on Rotwood, Jake must protect his troublesome principal and the two enemies must work together again.


  • Bounty Hunter: A majority of the magical creatures that attempt to kill Rotwood can be classified as this.
  • Call-Back: When the magical creatures read the entry of Jake's blog that makes them think that the American Dragon is putting a bounty on Rotwood, a leprechaun mentions that Jake previously worked for leprechauns in "Fool's Gold" to help spread along the incorrect gossip that Jake is wealthy enough to pay a hefty reward.
  • Camera Obscurer/Failed a Spot Check: Rotwood manages to trick Jake into transforming into his dragon self in front of a camcorder and gloats at finally exposing Jake—until Spud points out that he forgot to remove the lens cap. Cue Big "NO!".
  • From Bad to Worse: Jake's attempt to repair the damage he caused with his blog by saying things are fine between him and Rotwood only results in the readers believing that Rotwood is forcing him to recant against his will.
  • Gossip Evolution: Jake's blog to vent about Rotwood eventually travels through enough word-of-mouth to get a substantial amount of the magical community to believe he's putting a massive cash bounty on Rotwood's head.
  • Gossipy Hens: Practically the entire school becomes this after Brad reads Jake's file that mentions him leading a double-life as a dragon.
  • Hold Your Hippogriffs: The goblin mob boss, Big Ernie, uses the phrase "Hold your centaurs" when speaking with Lao Shi and Fu.
  • Instant Web Hit: Spud spends most of the episode trying to manufacture a viral video after seeing the massive success of monkeys hiding cheese and rapping babies.
  • Ironic Echo: "Ook! What a major oopsie I have committed!", which Rotwood says at the beginning of the episode after knowingly leaving Jake's file (where Rotwood says he's a dragon) out in the open for students to take and read...and which Jake turns around on Rotwood after he destroys Rotwood's proof of Magus Bazaar at the end of the episode.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Both Jake and Rotwood go through this upon realizing Jake's blog is responsible for all the hitmen going after Rotwood, Jake for writing it, and Rotwood for mistreating Jake enough to compel him to write it.
  • Mistaken for Transformed: Jake ends up getting so paranoid over all the bounty hunters trying to kill Professor Rotwood that he becomes convinced that Rotwood's sandwich is actually a hunter in disguise - and proceeds to beat it up.
  • The Permanent Record: The main conflict is kickstarted when Rotwood intentionally leaves every student's permanent record folder laying out for Brad to steal in order for him to read Jake's.
  • Pet the Dog: After the ordeal he unwittingly put Rotwood through, Jake allows Rotwood to get a look at the magical world. ...before he destroys all of Rotwood's photographic evidence.
  • Sanity Slippage: Rather downplayed, but having to constantly be on the lookout for bounty hunters out for Rotwood starts to make Jake overly paranoid after a little while. At one point, he even mistakenly believes that Rotwood's sandwich is an enemy in disguise, leading to him making a fool out of himself when he dramatically snatches the sandwich from Rotwood and begins to beat it up in front of everyone at lunch.
  • Sequel Episode: To "The Rotwood Files".
  • Space Whale Aesop: Don't vent your anger at others online or else magical creatures who have a poor understanding of rage blogs and your bank account will all gang up to assassinate your principal.
  • Sticky Fingers: Jake swaps the belt buckle camera memory card containing footage of the magical world with one of Spud dressed up as a zombie band member while Rotwood is blindfolded.
  • The Stinger: Jake tries to teach his grandfather how to blog.
