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Recap / Alfred J Kwak S 1 E 6 De Olympiade

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There will be a triathlon for the youth of Polderstad. Dolf is unable to participate due to his wing injury from the previous episodes, and trains Hannes in the hopes that he can beat Alfred and win the first prize. Because Hannes is in a really bad shape, Dolf comes up with the idea of stealing pills from the pharmacy.


  • Black Mail: Dolf threatens to tell people he saw Pikkie stealing marbles.
  • Body Horror: Hannes' body swells and his beak mutates as a result of overusing the elephant pills.
  • Drugs Are Bad: The elephant pills seem more like doping, but the effect is similar.
  • Dub Name Change:
    • The elephant, Stomp, is named Pontso in the finnish dub.
    • The drug store owner, Vlier, is named Valto in the finnish dub.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: This is Prince/King Franz's first appearance, and he looks completely different there than he'll look in his next appearance in episode 21.
  • Furry Reminder: Alfred swims like a normal duck.
  • Hammerspace: When peddling the pills to Hannes, Dolf pulls the package out of nowhere, not having been shown to have any packs or pockets.
  • Informed Flaw: Alfred mentions several times how bicycling is his weakest suit, but he's not shown having any specific problems or falling behind in the bicycling portion of the triathlon.
  • Lack of Empathy: Dolf pushes Hannes past his limit, doesn't give him water, and makes him continue running even after he collapses, all in the name of beating Alfred in the triathlon. He also isn't concerned when Hannes initially acts lethargic, then reddens and trembles, after ingesting an unknown pill. At the end, he also runs away when the side effects of the pills cause Hannes sudden mutations.
  • Running Gag: The elephant getting stuck on the drug store's doorway.
  • Wound That Will Not Heal: Dolf's wing/arm is still disabled.
