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Recap / Adventure Time S 5 E 50 Lemonhope Part 1

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Lemongrab has become a full blown dictator and his unfortunate subjects are suffering for it. They still wait for Lemonhope to return and free them...but he doesn't care about his brothers and runs away to be "free". Unfortunately, "freedom" leads to him being lost in the middle of the desert...


  • Hard Truth Aesop: Freedom isn't free. Everything in life has a price, and if you want to live a life totally independent from anybody or anything that could impose restrictions or responsibilities on you, better be prepared to live alone without anybody that could look after - or provide - for you. All Lemonhope got from running away from anyone that could tell him what to do got was nearly dying of hunger, thirst, and exposure.
  • The Hedonist: Lemonhope cares only for his own personal freedom and gratification.
  • In the Blood: Lemonhope may be smarter and more stable than the other Lemon People, but he still has his moments of stupidity and selfishness.
  • Liberty Over Prosperity: Lemonhope runs away and lives in the wilderness because he desperately wants to be free, but he ends up lost in the desert and nearly dies of thirst and exposure.
  • Naked People Are Funny: After escaping from Princess Bubblegum, Lemonhope strips his clothes off and gives them to a raccoon to wear.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: To be fair, Bubblegum realized her poor choice of words as soon as she'd said it, but using Lemongrab's favorite word, "Unacceptable" did not help the situation.
  • Nightmare Sequence: Lemonhope suffers a series of surreal nightmares due to a combination of trauma and his guilty conscience.
  • Refusal of the Call: Lemonhope refuses to do anything to pursue his apparent destiny of defeating Lemongrab.
  • Saharan Shipwreck: Lemonhope ends up stranded in the desert after hitching a ride on a "sandship" that gets attacked and "sunk" by a monster.
  • Thirsty Desert: Lemonhope is on the point of dying of thirst in the cliffhanger.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: Zigzagged; Lemonhope doesn't seem to care that his siblings (who helped him escape Castle Lemongrab in the first place) are being abused and tortured by their "father". Despite not being able to overcome his fear of the Earl, his nightmares show he still has a guilty conscience about abandoning his family.
