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Quotes / Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS

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Summon chants

(For a full list of summoning chants, see here.)

Yusaku/Playmaker: Appear, the circuit that leads to the future!
Yusaku/Playmaker: The contract has been made. The sage who wields dark power inherits these two souls! Ritual Summon! Rise, Cyberse Magician!
Yusaku/Playmaker: The strong ones gather before its grand wings! Become a new legend! Fusion Summon! Come out! Cyberse Clock Dragon!
Yusaku/Playmaker: Flash of lightning! The unknown power transforms into a soaring dragon! Synchro Summon! Descend! Cyberse Quantum Dragon!
Yusaku/Playmaker: Wall of power that annihilates everything! Manifest as the dragon's fang! Xyz Summon! Appear, Rank 4! Firewall Xceed Dragon!
Yusaku/Playmaker: The mysterious power filling the universe! Rain down on the miracle star and create infinite life! Link Summon! Appear! Link 5! Firewall Dragon Darkfluid!

Ryouken Kogami/Revolver: Appear, the future circuit that lights up my path!
Ryouken Kogami/Revolver: My new power, become the source for my victory! Manifest, the future circuit that lights up my path!
Ryouken Kogami/Revolver: My new wind that pierces through the closed world! Link Summon! Appear, Link 4 Varrelload Dragon!
Ryouken Kogami/Revolver: My gale that slices open the closed world! Link Summon! Appear, Link 4 Varrelsword Dragon!
Ryouken Kogami/Revolver: Heroic dragon! Fire by transforming your ferocious fangs into bullets! Synchro Summon! Come out, Level 8! Varrelload Savage Dragon!
Ryouken Kogami/Revolver: From the eternal creation of the world, zero resurrects endlessly! Appear, Link 4 Topologic Zeroboros!

Go Onizuka/GO: Appear, my circuit!
Go Onizuka/GO: I feel the power rising. Awaken, T Wrextle! Become the tyrant that devours everything! Appear! Dinowrestler Chimera T Wrextle!
Go Onizuka/GO: The muscular ancient king, kick all your enemies! Synchro Summon! Appear, Level 8! Dinowrestler Giga Spinosavate!

Aoi Zaizen/Blue Angel: Come out, the circuit of dreams and hope!
Aoi Zaizen/Blue Girl: Shine! The circuit of courage and determination!
Aoi Zaizen/Blue Girl: Hear the song of the Trickstars! Fusion Summon! Trickstar Band Sweet Guitar!

Emma Bessho/Ghost Girl: Now, open before me! The circuit that connects to the unknown parallel universe!
Emma Bessho/Ghost Girl: The legendary evil spirit! Surpass eternal time and show yourself! Synchro Summon! Appear!, Level 6! Altergeist Dragvirion!
Emma Bessho/Ghost Girl: The goddess of slaughter! Manifest from the edge of nightmares! Link Summon! Link 4 Altergeist Memorygant!

Dr. Genome: Appear, our future circuit!
Dr. Genome: You're finally up! Link Summon! The strongest DNA combines into this monster! Link 2 Helixx Necro Darwin!

Kyoko Taki/Baira: Appear, our future circuit!

Aso/Faust: Appear, our future circuit!

Spectre: Appear! The future circuit that lights up our path!

Takeru Homura/Soulburner: Appear! The circuit that changes the future!
Takeru Homura/Soulburner: Surging flame, awaken Heatlio's true strength with the power of purification! Reincarnation Link Summon! Resurrect, the king of beasts that runs through the fire prairie! Salamangreat Heatlio!
Takeru Homura/Soulburner: Appear! The origin of a crazy soul! The magical beast whose flesh gathers the weapons of evil beasts! Fusion Summon! Salamangreat Violet Chimera!

Bohman: Appear! The circuit that connects the truth!

Kengo Dojun/Blood Shepherd: Come Out! The circuit that leads to victory!
