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Quotes / You All Meet in an Inn

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Frodo: How did we end up with a ranger?
DM: You four hobbits met this dark stranger in the Dark village of Bree.
Frodo: Okay...
DM: On a dark and stormy night...
Frodo: Please, please don't say we meet in a tavern.
DM: In a tavern called "The Prancing Pony", an age-old meeting place.
Frodo: Arg!

"Starting a big fantasyland journey in a tavern is an example of that ‘leaning on tropes’ thing; I guess my idea was that clichés are fine if you use them critically and know what they are. Or that’s where I’m at now, at least. I did the starting-in-a-tavern thing in Order of Tales too."
Evan Dahm's commentary on Rice Boy

"Seems to me the smart place to meet travelers is in a tavern. That way [if] one party is late, the other party can drink some ale inside."
Bronn, Game of Thrones

It is always quite foolhardy
For a young and ill-trained party
To gather at a tavern and to say
"We have had it with our teachers.
Let's go off and kill some creatures,
And find a ton of gold to haul away."
Leslie Fish, "Bashing The Balrog"

"We [the adventuring party] congeal off the walls of a high-end tavern in some urban area."
