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Reviewing audio books now, too
'Cause we love our
Doctor Who
Encountering Wirrn, Tor Madowk,
Dalek, Space-Time and Glam Rock.
Stylophones are awful,
That's the TARDIS way.
We're at Ponken and MariusKane,
That's "Kane", with a K.
Who Back Whe~en
Reviewing all of
Who there is.
Who Back Whe~en
Subscribe and rate on iTunes, please.
audiobook by audiobook,
Even those that're gobbledegook.
We'll review them all, you see
So join this on this odyssey,
It's Who~o Ba~ack Whe~en?
Who Back When!
The Audio Who Intro

We're still on our endless voyage,
All through time and all through space.
With Slitheen and Angels now,
Dalek, Cybers, and Ood, wow.
Tennant, Smith, and Eccleston,
Gallifrey where it all began.
Doctor Who is cool again,
That was Russel's master plan.
Who Back Whe~en
Reviewing all New
Who there is
Who Back Whe~en
Subscribe and rate on iTunes, please.
Rose and Donna, Amy Pond,
Rory, Martha, and beyond.
Come join this on this odyssey,
What other choice could there be but
Who~o Ba~ack Whe~en?
Who Back When!
The New Who intro song.
