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Quotes / Tyrannicide

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Cicero speaks of domination obtained by violence and ruse, the subjects being unwilling or even forced to accept it and there being no recourse open to a superior who might pronounce judgment upon the usurper. In this case he that kills the tyrant for the liberation of the country is praised and rewarded.
St. Thomas Aquinas, Commentary to the Sentences

Both the philosophers and theologians agree, that the prince who seizes the state with force and arms, and with no legal right, no public, civic approval, may be killed by anyone and deprived of his life
Juan de Mariana, De rege et regis institutione


Bodies burnt to the bone
Reduced to coals
The oppressors pay
Cannibal Corpse, "Firestorm Vengeance"


If you do sweare to put a Tyrant downe,
You sleepe in peace, the Tyrant being slaine

Real Life

Sic semper tyrannisnote 
Allegedly said by Brutus while killing Julius Caesar

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
