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Quotes / Took a Level in Jerkass

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Let’s say that, years ago you named someone in your comic Funky Winkerbean, to denote the happy-go-lucky nature of the character and the strip. It was the ’70s, so maybe drugs were involved. I’m not gonna judge! And then say that over the decades your strip became a charnel house of sadness and your character became a bloated, angry jerk. I think it’d probably be a bad idea to have anyone in the strip refer to him by a nickname like, for instance, "The Funk Man."

Fan Works

"You were still your arrogant, prideful, ambitious self, but you were not as worldly then; you were... forgiving."

Ferb suddenly felt a twinge in the pit of his stomach, and not due to all the food he'd just eaten. Parts of his conversation so far with Vanessa had felt odd, as if she was looking down on things like her hometown, school, and even her father. Now here she was passing judgment on a girl she didn't even know properly. None of it sat right with him, much less the fact that for so long he had felt so strongly for someone he apparently hadn't actually known at all.

Live-Action Films

" You used to be such nice people but now... you're just a couple of rich snobs! Hmph!"
Betty Rubble,The Flintstones

Web Animation

"I am Dexter the Exterminator, at your service.

I'm a doll! You dumb bi-!"
Dexter's first and last line to Lila, Spooky Month

Web Original

"So, thus far this has been pretty much the same as the first movie, only with a lot more filler, and Bandit is now sporting a racing jacket with his name on it. On the trip, we get a good sense of just how egotistical Bandit has become, as he drones on about how everyone knows him and blah blah blah. Sure, the average Reynolds character has a pretty big ego, but generally it’s tempered by... Well, something!"

"Jerkass Homer is the one who, in 'Maximum Homerdrive', is so boastful of his stomach capacity that he gets into an eating contest with a perfect stranger, accidentally kills him, takes over his trucking route, and acts like such an asshole that the other truckers try to kill him before the end of the episode... Jerkass Homer does ugly things like use the sleeper hold he learned in bodyguard training on Marge and Lisa."
Dead Homer Society, "Jerkass Homer Gets a Job"

"Even Troughton seems to be fed up with the story. At one point he's forced to argue that the problem the Dulcians are having with the Dominators is that they're not realizing that the Dominators are completely alien... The Dulcian points out that the Doctor is an alien too. Now, in the episode Troughton responds laughing and saying "you got me there." But fire up the episode and listen to his delivery. It's an incredibly fast response — the only moment I've ever seen Troughton flagrantly step on someone's dialogue. What I'm implying here is that the line sounds improvised — like Troughton snuck it in because he was horrified at his own dialogue and desperate to undercut the idea that the Doctor could be such a xenophobic prick."

"Don’t cheer — Methos, one of the most likable and charismatic characters in the series, is a complete asshole throughout this movie. In fact, there’s another guy who wanted this film to be something good: Peter Wingfield actually cried when given the chance to reprise his role as Methos. Or maybe he cried when he read the script — I know I would have."

"Sure, in the beginning, Jerry was the likeable struggling comedian — the underdog, if you will — and his love of Superman conveyed a sense of innocence and whimsy. But when you spend as long a time with a character as we spent with Jerry, you get to know what he's really like. Simply put, Jerry was a jerk. He was smug, petty, lazy, dishonest, picky, and he generally did not like people unless they were laughing at his jokes. Which is why the series ended with him in jail, and everyone was mostly okay with that."

David: Important College Scout is visiting town to watch Clark be a football star and presumably cheat a number of hardworking human athletes out of glory and recognition they would get were it not for the gloryhounding alien.
Chris: I keep trying to think of something to add, but you basically nailed it. My pal Chad once summed up Superman’s morality by saying that he’s a guy with X-Ray Vision who never uses it to look at girls, but with the Smallville version, who knows? I’m willing to bet that there’s an entire episode where Clark does just that, shortly before melting the wall of the girls’ locker room with his heat vision.
— Chris Sims and David Uzumeri on Smallville, "Transference"

"Patty and Selma hate Homer, and who could blame them? (Would you want your baby sister married to him?) But they’ve always been fond, even proud, of Lisa. Here they’re basically saying to Marge: you married a fat loser and so will your precious daughter, ha ha. They want Lisa to marry someone like Homer just to teach Marge a lesson or something, and it’s utterly contrary to everything we know about them."
Dead Homer Society on The Simpsons, "Luca$"

"Dude, you weren't being a Joey, you were a Chandler trying to be a Joey, and you came off as a Ross. And I'm not talking early seasons Ross, I'm talking seasons 6 to 9!"
Alucard outtake, Hellsing Ultimate Abridged

Web Video

""I think this leads into the biggest point of contention between Slott and fans about Peter's characterization. Dan Slott hates Peter Parker. He thinks Peter Parker is his own worst enemy and incredibly self-destructive and toxic to the people around him. That...that's not ''Spider-Man.""

Western Animation

"You used to be sweeter than honey! Now you're gettin' all kinds of nasty!"

""Oh, for goodness' sake! You've been kind for far too long, my dear! Time to be cruel! Arrivederci!""
Discord, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, "The Return of Harmony, Part 1"
