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Quotes / Too Incompetent to Operate a Blanket

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"If you're too stupid to operate a blanket, you deserve to be cold every now and then."
Larry the Cable Guy on the Snuggie

"Ever had a day where you feel like a white person in an infomercial?"
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"Nothing makes me feel better about myself than watching people on infomercials
They can’t even eat or drink food right"

"Do you have a drawer full of sharp knives, but prefer to cut your bread with a doorstop?"

"So you're an inventor, and you've just created a product that actually sucks quite a bit more than the ones people are already using. How do you sell it?

Why, by creating a cornball TV ad that portrays everyday tasks as being next to impossible without your product."

"If you don't know how to operate a blanket, chances are you're a few chromosomes short of human."

"All my life I thought I was an infomercial actor, and it turns out I have catatonia with two embolisms."

"Psh. I'm not wearing that hot suit, I don't wear that. Goin' to the radioactive chamber, I hate that radioactive suit. It's boring, psh, out of fashion, boring, don't like it- OOOOOOOOOOH MY SKIN'S MELTING!" What the ffffuck did you think's gonna happen? That was just that guy's fault! That's not work safety, that's work dum-dum!
JonTron, on the work safety video Think About This
