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Quotes / Speaking Like Totally Teen

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"It's so funny when adults try to talk like kids, and they think because they're using the right words that their disguise is working. Like a teenager's gonna watch this and be like, 'Oh wow, I guess they really are one of us.' Like, no, they're gonna see right through it. This is the speech equivalent of putting on a little fake mustache and trying to pass yourself off as someone else. We still know it's you."

"Genocide is not 100. And systemic racism is not litty. As we travel through all of humanity's most horrific atrocities, I want you to feel shooketh. Thank you. Trust. [dabs in front of his students]"
Mr. Shapiro, Never Have I Ever

Mom: So, what's the dealio with Jordan? OMG, he is awesomesauce. Fo' shizzy!
[Inside Riley's control centre, her emotions stare blankly]
Joy: ... Did she just say "fo' shizzy?"
Sadness: I don't understand. What's happening?
Disgust: Ugh, this is just embarrassing! I can't. I c-can't. [Storms off]
Mom: Holla! [Joy, Sadness, Fear, and Anger cringe in pain]
Inside Out, Riley's First Date?

Rio: I, uh... hope I didn't "ice" your "game", man...
Miles: [wearily] Mom, no one my age says those words in that order.
