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Quotes / Space Master

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"At the bottom of the sea awaits a cunning adversary: Merak, who forges deadly traps from the fabric of space itself..."
Mission: Abyss, Azure Striker Gunvolt

All things are related; space is an illusion; all things exist in one place, all tied together by the fibers of a single concept. You can call that concept what you will, but I know - and I can prove to you - that three-dimensional separation is a lie.
See that corner? Where am I? There or here? I think I'm there. See, I am! Did you see me walk across the room? Didn't think so. So how did I get from here to there? Transporter beams? Wrong answer! And even if it was, how did they work? Feel that tap on your shoulder? I did that. But I'm over here, right, which is over there to you. But yet I could touch you over there while I'm over here. There, I did it again! Get it? Space is an illusion!
If that hurts your brain, you're not cut out for this routine. Before school's out in my workshop, kid, you'll either crack or clock Euclid a good one upside the head!
Mage: The Ascension - Core Rulebook (2nd ed)

The previous two sections only cover a tiny fraction of what space mages can do. Space magic is a vast field, and the abilities of space mages include but are not limited to: shrouding an area of space to make it unviewable, warping a section of space to create a ‘corridor’ within which the distance between two points is longer or shorter than it should be, bending space to cause a moving object or person to curve away from their destination while from their perspective they travel in a straight line, and even placing objects outside space entirely in a kind of miniature pocket dimension.

The Space Gem: distance becomes a mere intellectual concept. I consider the possibility and I am there. I can be everywhere or nowhere. Space is mine to do with as I wish. The very heavens will rearrange themselves to conform with my sense of aesthetics. I foresee a new universe on the horizon.
Thanos, The Thanos Quest

In his presence, distance and space mean nothing. The Hierophant of Winds walks the dangerous paths of the Fallen Earth always, messenger and herald of the Unnamed, even as he broods within a tower of broken angles and fragmented planes in the heart of what was once New York City. Wherever he goes, enemies grow closer and help becomes ever more distant, while evil tidings travel swiftly and good news never arrives.
—"Hell On Earth," Mage: The Ascension - Ascension
