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Quotes / Slasher Smile

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Jonah's face is the rictus grin of the dead. It looks like some unseen hand is pulling the skin to the back of his head and tightening it around his skull.

Mark swears he can hear the smile Vivienne would make on those rare occurrences she'd been goaded to genuine cold fury, a smile that shows a little too many teeth and belongs on someone who could scare a serial killer into rethinking their life choices.
Abraxas (Hrodvitnon)

Mr Skinner was smiling an impossibly wide smile. Fifty or sixty perfect, pointed teeth gleamed between his parted lips. Then his face faded until, at last, only his smile was left behind.

Oh look there! There she is! The winner's a girl! Surviving a fierce battle that raged two days, seven hours, and 43 minutes - the winner is a girl! Look... she's smiling! ... Smiling! The girl definitely just smiled!
Reporter, Battle Royale

"Boy, what are you doin'? You've got that devious look in your eyes."
Bill Green, Big City Greens: "Shark Objects"

Yhwach: Your face...has changed quite a bit.
Ichibe Hyosube: Has it?
Yhwach: You seem awfully pleased. I never would've guessed your face could macabre once you decided to kill me.
Bleach Chapter 606: Divine Division

"Here's a smile that says: "Nice to meet you; now you need to fucking die!""
Brandon about Billy Zane's character in Demon Knight

"I-I-I don't believe I've ever seen quite so many smiles before..."
Radio, regarding the newer appliances, The Brave Little Toaster

Buddy Repperton had begun to smile. It was not a pleasant sight, that smile, and not only because the teeth it revealed were already going rotten. It was as if, somewhere, some terrible machinery had just whined into life and was beginning to cycle up and up to full running speed.

"He smiled at me. Genuinely, I believe. I still see it when I close my eyes."

‘My slave found a peasant who seemed promising, but his heart gave out.’ At the memory, [Alekto] drew her lips back from her teeth in a way that was half smile and half grimace. She only smiled like that when she thought of pain – or, better still, when she observed it: beatings, wounds probed and stitched, the more agonizing the better. As long as there was pain.
Gods and Warriors, The Crocodile Tomb

It was horrible. It was as though nature had lost control. As though the smile, as a concept, as a manifestation of pleasure, had been a mistake, for here on the face of Swelter the idea had been abused.

Doan smiles as if he had a dorsal fin sticking through the back of his pinstripes.
Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets, by David Simon

Some smiles show cheer; some merely show teeth.

First Mate Cox came towards them, smiling like someone greeting a long-lost friend who owed him money. You never saw Cox frown. Like crocodiles and sharks, Cox always had a grin for people, especially when he had them at his mercy, or at least where his mercy would be if he had any.

Slave: Please!! No more!! HAVE MERCY!!!
Mauritaniaball: Does this look like the face of mercy?

Flemeth’s smile was something not even the worst of the Fade’s demons could ever conjure. The very sight was foul, evil, and showed that the Mare of the Mire had achieved victory. Never had Rarity felt so small and weak than how she felt now. Worst of all, she was ashamed to have come to this; to bow to Flemeth and seeing her not as her mother, but as her master in all things.

Nauk: She's doing the face. Doesn't matter what they throw at us now, we're going to eat them alive.
Catherine: I don't do a face. Hakram, tell them I don't do a face.
Hakram: *coughs awkwardly, says nothing*
Juniper: You do that thing where you almost smile and you show a little teeth. It looks really creepy on a human.

Kris: It's Dorilys! We're free!
Mimic: Yay! We're saved!
Kris: [Gasp] No, wait, she's smiling!
Mimic: Augh! We're doomed!

"The worst thing about fighting Wanderlei (Silva) is that he's only happy when he's destroying you. And in Silva vs. Jackson (I), he was grinning so big while kneeing Rampage unconscious that his mouthpiece almost fell out."

"He still smiled and blinked, but there was something about his eyes which made me feel very glad that I had [a revolver] there."
Sherlock Holmes on Professor James Moriarty

I smiled to show that I meant it and she choked off a scream and began scrabbling in the cash drawer. It was a broad smile that showed all of my teeth, which I had stained bright red, which should have helped her decide on the proper course of action.

Buddy: Maybe she's jealous.
Rob: No, Laura doesn't cry when she's jealous; she just sits there and smiles.
Buddy: She smiles?
Rob: Yeah, like this. [bares teeth with slightly crazed eyes]

"Why is it when you smile, I want to leave the room?"
— Kira re Gul Dukat, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, "Return to Grace"

"The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife."
Quark quoting Rule of Acquisition #48, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Sniper: You were smilin'. The last thing I saw 'fore I bled out and died was your smug, evil grin!
Medic: I was happy to see you! That's just how I look when I smile! Smug and evil! See?
Team Fortress 2, "Old Wounds"

"Never trust anything that smiles all the time. It's up to something."

No diorama
Could match his drama
A smile that would frighten the blind
The incubus freezes the mind
—"Three Might Be Duende", They Might Be Giants

When an Ogre grins, it has little to do with mirth and everything to do with showing the victim what is going to happen next.
Warhammer: Ogre Kingdoms Army Book (8th edition)

"Spamton flashes an award-losing smile."

"Jaian’s smile was like knives and nightfall."
Effigy Nights by Yoon Ha Lee

And then she smiled.

Zuko had seen many different kinds of smiles before. He liked to think that the way someone smiled said a lot about who they were. His mother's smile was soft and warm, like the comforting rays of the sun on a summer afternoon. His uncle's smile was wide and hearty, full of adventure and life. His sister's smile was subtle and sly, like a satisfied jackal-cat when it caught a bird.

But this smile was unlike any he'd ever seen before, and it sent a bolt of cold terror down his spine. It was wide like uncle's, but strangely lopsided and full of sharp teeth. It was a smile that screamed recklessness. Bloodlust. Madness.

The smile of a demon.
Zuko first meeting Tanya, The Saga Of Tanya The Firebender

"Giving someone a story to tell is easy. All it takes is a smile."
