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Quotes / Shallow Parody

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GTA V has such a robotic sense of humor that Jenny McCarthy has linked it to PS3 vaccinations. If a forensic psychologist found a poem on a suicide victim called "WHY EVERYONE IN MY HIGH SCHOOL SUCKS," his summary of that poem would be identical to any gag in Grand Theft Auto V. Each one follows the same two-step structure: Clearly explain what it's mocking, then nothing else. It'd be almost sad if it wasn't so mean-spirited.

(on how to do Mark Zuckerberg)
Jesse Eisenberg: Well, I just speak in short, clipped sentences and keep my head very still... but I love your Mark Zuckerberg. How do you do it?
Andy Samberg: I wear this sweatshirt and I say "I am Mark Zuckerberg!"

"See, it's a parody of 300, they do everything that happened in 300, only it's funny because it's not 300, it's Meet the Spartans!"

"You remember how in the Mike Myers' film The Love Guru, there's that bit where they do an exact shot for shot reproduction of Extreme's "More Than Words", without any jokes or parodic elements, because the joke is that they're reminding you about something you know about and they're doing it this time, rather than the original people? No, of course you don't, because The Love Guru is a painfully unfunny movie with no redeeming qualities whatsoever."

"I dreamed I was in a show that constantly makes pop culture references but never really makes jokes about them..."

Someone should show these two the meaning of "parody". It does not mean dress up like famous people while making fart noises. on Disaster Movie

"Good parody comes from a true understanding of what you're satirizing, capturing its strengths while playfully acknowledging its flaws, and you can't do that if your concern is squeezing in reference after reference, because you don't have time to let the environment or the characters you create and/or mock sink in."

"This is one of the rare instances where the writers jumped on a pop culture phenomenon too early. This came out before the first Harry Potter movie, so it leans more into "generic wizard school" than anything resembling the style or atmosphere of the source material. This thing is so generic they had to put Harry Potter in the classroom just so the parody reads."

"Like, this is why you shouldn't parody things you hate: it all too often just gets snippy."
The Mysterious Mr. Enter in his commentary on his review of the Drawn Together movie poorly parodying their rival show South Park.

The basic idea is that Mao tries to play an ukulele to a monster to calm it down, but SIKE the monster tries to EAT THEM anyway because REALISM.
It's kinda obnoxious. And moreover, it's not... very representative of SU.
Never once has SU portrayed this world where you can just steamroll the motivations of others and force them to be happy.
