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Quotes / Robbing the Dead

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Films — Live-Action

Miracle Max: It just so happens that your friend here is Only Mostly Dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, with all dead there's usually only one thing you can do.
Inigo Montoya: What's that?
Miracle Max: Go through his clothes and look for loose change.

"Yeah some of our clothes are from victims. You might bite someone and then, you think, 'Oooh, those are some nice pants!'"


"His blankets? Bed curtains? You don't mean to say you took 'em down, rings and all, with him lying there?"
"Yes I do. If he wanted to keep 'em after he was dead, why wasn't he natural in his lifetime! If he had been, he'd have had somebody to look after him when he was struck with Death, instead of lying, gasping out his last there, alone by himself."

"Surely it is the barrow of the king who built this castle," Taran said in a hushed voice. He stepped past the warriors and drew near the figure on the slab. Rich raiment clothed the body; polished stones glowed in his broad belt. The clawed hands still grasped the jeweled hilt of a sword, as if ready to unsheath it. Taran recoiled in fear and horror. The skull seemed to grimace in defiance, daring a stranger to despoil the royal treasures.
As Taran turned, a gust of wind caught at his face. "I think there is a passage," he called, "there, in the far wall." He ran in the direction of the ghostly cries.
Close to the ground, a tunnel opened; he could smell fresh air, and his lungs drank deeply. "Hurry," he urged.
Taran snatched a sword from a warrior's bony hand and scrambled into the tunnel.

"Put yourself in his place. You may not know it, but a complete scribbler, or first card-engine, consists of a breast, or small swift, and two swifts, with the accompanying workers, strippers, fancies, doffers, etc. And if you don't have any carding machinery or power looms, if you don't have any electric motors to run them, or any dynamos to generate the electricity, or any turbines to run the dynamos, or any coal to raise steam, or any blast furnaces to make steel—why then, obviously, you must depend for your fine cloth on the cemeteries of those who once enjoyed these advantages."
Narrator, Ape and Essence

Sacharissa: William, do you realize you are robbing a corpse?
William: [absently] Good. Best time.

Live-Action TV

Chuck: Hey, I had [a pocket watch] just like that.
Lawrence: Yeah, your dead body was buried with it.
Chuck: You stole that off my dead body?
Lawrence: Well, your dead body wasn't doing anything with it.


Watch 'em run amok, catch 'em as they fall
Never know your luck when there's a free-for-all!
Here a little nip, there a little touch
Most of 'em are goners so they won't miss much!
Monsieur and Madame Thernadier, Les Misérables

Video Games

"Find what you are looking for among the dead?"

"It's not stealing if they're dead."

"Gold should be for the living, not the dead!"
Grave robber, Pharaoh

Aren: I don't know, William. I never thought I'd be stealing from a dead man. That's no better than what a common cutthroat would do.
William: We're just being practical, Aren. Look at it this way: Nothing he's carrying can help him anymore, but it might be able to help us.

Gatrie: Um...Hey, Shinon? What are you doing?
Shinon: This swine's got some nice weapons. Besides, he ain't gonna complain. He won't need them where he's going.
Ike: Shinon!
Soren: Get ahold of yourself! We can't afford such behavior right now. Steal from the dead on your own time.
Web Original
Aveline: Don't forget to loot the bodies.
Chuck: [chuckling] I was expecting that more from the pirate captain than from the cop. "We're not thieves, we just root through the pockets of dead people!"

1637. 'Dibs' is not a term of bereavement.

Western Animation

"Am I really gonna defile this grave for money?" [Beat] Of course I am!"
