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Quotes / Ramming Always Works

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    Comic Books 
Then, at a speed that defies the imagination, the Girl of Steel strikes the gargantuan satellite — punches through it like a bullet through a snowball — and her velocity undiminished, hurtles onward, to be swiftly swallowed once more by the void!

But even as Superman's heart sinks in despair... the Girl of Steel swoops from the clouds towards the roaring ICBM's...! Like a human missile, her body lances through the bombs' steel casing, exploding their liquid oxygen fuel...and short-circuiting the arming-mechanisms— rendering the deadly warheads useless!

    Fan Works 
She pushed herself off of nothingness, and speeded towards one of those moons, quickly passing light velocity several times over. Satan Girl kept picking up speed, her arms crossed before her face. The white, crater-pocked surface loomed before her, filling her range of vision.
She hit it.
There would have been a tremendous boom, if the moon had had an atmosphere. But it did not, and there was only silence and an awesome impact of body with lunar matter.
Satan Girl had struck the moon at an angle to spin it free of its orbit. She ricocheted away from it, unharmed.

"As long as you've got engines and a bow, you still have one weapon."
Donnel Udina, Renegade

    Films - Live Action 
"Let's take the cheese. Ramming Speed!"
Otter and Hoover, Animal House

"Prepare for ramming speed!"

"We've got him! All hands, brace for impact!"

"Full emergency power to the engines. Ram the Blade Ship."
Jake Berenson, speaking the last words of the Animorphs series

    Live-Action TV 
Sheridan: All power to engines, give me ramming speed.
James: Aye sir.

Crewman: Shields are down... weapons are expended.
Helmsman: The next hit's gonna take us out.
Hammond: Hold your course, brace for collision. If we go, they go.

"In command school, they taught us to always remember that maneuvering a starship is a very delicate process. But over the years I've learned that sometimes you just have to punch your way through. Mister Paris, full impulse power."
Captain Janeway, Star Trek: Voyager

    Tabletop Games 
"The capital ships of Species 5 have very powerful defensive screens that make them almost invulnerable to our attacks. We believe that the only way to defeat this enemy is to ram them with our ships until they are destroyed."
Imperial Icon, Strike Legion

    Video Games 
"Go ahead. Make your noise. Try to scare us."
"You want to know how a human dies? At ramming speed."

"Very Honorable"

The collision course is a bold strategy for those with little left to lose and few options
Flavour Text of the Collision Course Tactic, Legacy of a Thousand Suns

Most spacefarers would balk at the idea of ramming their ship into another vessel. But that's exactly what this craft was designed for. Its piercing prow and heavy armor ensure that it can penetrate an enemy ship without sustaining major damage, allowing the troops on board to deploy within it.

"Activate the maintenance droids and have them scrape those ships off our hull."

Carter-A259: Noble! You got a...situation. [a Scarab appears]
Emile-A239: Mother... We can get past it, sir!
Carter-A259: No, you can't. Not without help.
Emile-A239: Commander, you don't have the firepower!
Carter-A259: I've got the mass.
Emile-A239: Solid copy. Hit 'em hard, boss.
Carter-A259: You're on your own, Noble... Carter out.

Captain: "Now, are you going to help us, or are we going to have to ram this ship down the throat of the first station that approaches?"
Bentusi: "... That will not be necessary. We see our madness reflected in yours. We will do what we can."

    Web Comics 
The primary rule of vehicular combat is: You can always ram.
When all else fails, when the weapon systems are offline, when the computer is dead, when the engine is half-crippled, as long as you can move at all, you can still heave about and crash into your opponent.
In fact, even if your vehicle is totally immobile, a suitably clever player will still find a way to ram it into an enemy vessel.

Narrator: When ramming an enemy, the captain is required to shout something useless at the top of his lungs.
Ore Freighter Captain: RAMMING SPEED!
Narrator: This is silly because technically you can ram at any speed. It would make more sense to announce an actual speed, using units of measure, appropriate to the amount of damage you wish to inflict. Shouting "Ramming speed!" only serves to alert everyone on deck to the impending event, allowing them to assume crash positions or otherwise brace for impact. This of course renders the next mandatory shouted command redundant at best.
Ore Freighter Captain: BRACE FOR IMPACT!

The interior structure of a battleplate is highly modular. Living and working spaces are contained within "buildings" that are themselves sturdy, viable space-craft.
A breach of the exterior hull is merely inconvenient.
A breach filled with high-yield, anti-ship ordnance is a serious problem, however.
And with main annie-plants offline, a breach thus exploited is a very critical matter.
Not so critical, however, that an uncoiling, super-dense strand of non-baryonic matter cannot make matters significantly worse...

Deep One: You need only say the word and it will be done.
Becca: "Vehicular Homicide."

    Western Animation 
Mar Tuuk: Skywalker, what treachery is this? You have nothing to bargain with.
Anakin Skywalker: (over video monitor) In that case, I'll be going. Oh, you can still have my ship.

"They hit me with a truck!"
Brock Sampson (who is uninjured from said collision), The Venture Brothers

Mariner: Mom?? How did you get through the shield?!
Freeman: Hah! We threw a battleship at it!

"Because nothing quite says 'FUCK YOU' like being punched in the face with an aircraft carrier."
YouTube commenter on the Macross Attack

(while laughing) "Charles, that's your ONLY plan! That's your only plan, Charles! Come on! Not everything can be solved by throwing your helicopter at it!"
Pink Kitty Rose on Charles' "greatest plan"
