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Quotes / Platonic Life-Partners

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Comic Books

Spider-Man/Peter Parker: It's nice to see you. I don't like thinking about you all alone out there.
Ghost Spider/Gwen Stacy: I'm not alone. I'm just not here.
Peter: That's a good way to look at things.
Gwen: I think I can try to be here more again. Especially if the curriculum at ESU is as good as you say. I've been looking for a good school.
Peter: That would be nice.
Gwen: Besides, you owe me a corn dog.
Peter: we go.
Gwen: Yup. Here we go. The torments of friendship resume.
Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider

Fan Works

He made his way up the path leading to the workshop to find his dearest friend who was kneeling in front of a gravestone. As he got closer, the Hunter heard his friend's voice. She was praying for him, like always. It brought a smile to his face, hidden beneath the cloth mask he wore. Already it seemed like his troubled thoughts were fading away.


"We're not like other people. We love each other in our own way, and we can have the life together that we want. You won't be the perfect husband? I can promise you I harboured no intention of being the perfect wife. I'll not be fixing your lamb all day, while you come home from the office, will I? I'll work. You'll work. And we'll have each other's company. We'll have each other's minds. Sounds like a better marriage than most. Because I care for you. And you care for me. And we understand one another more than anyone else ever has."
Joan Clarke to Alan Turing, The Imitation Game


"Camilla, we did it right, didn't we? We had something nearly perfect... the perfect friendship, the perfect love. I cannot imagine reaching the end of this life and having any regrets, so long as I had been allowed to experience being your adept."
Palamedes Sextus, Nona the Ninth

Live-Action TV

"Boyfriends and girlfriends are gonna come and go, but this is for life."
Phoebe to Joey, Friends, "The One with All the Cheesecakes"

Donna: You're not sayin' much.
The Doctor: No, it's just... It's a funny old life. In the TARDIS.
Donna: (crestfallen) You don't want me...
The Doctor: I'm not saying that.
Donna: But you asked me...
Donna: Would you rather be on your own?
The Doctor: No. Actually, no. But... The last time. With Martha, like I said, it... It got complicated. And that was all my fault, I... I just want a mate.note 
Donna: You just want to mate?!
The Doctor: I just want a mate!
The Doctor: A mate! I want a mate!
Donna: Well just as well, 'cuz I'm not 'avin any o' that nonsense! I mean, you're just a long streak of... Nothin'! You know, alien nothin'!
The Doctor: Well, there we are then. Okay.
Donna: ...I can come?!
The Doctor: Yeah! 'Course you can, yeah! (grins) I'd love it!
Doctor Who, "Partners In Crime"

"Scully loves Mulder, and Mulder loves Scully. It's a wonderful romance. It's just not a sexual romance. It's not a physical romance. It is a caring, tender, respectful relationship. It's an ideal, and I would never want to do anything to threaten it, to change it."

Video Games

Shepard: There's only so much fight in a person. Only so much death you can take before...
Garrus: Before your friend picks you up, dusts you off, and tells you you're the best damn soldier he's ever met.
Shepard: There's no Shepard without Vakarian.

Web Animation

[about Nora and Ren] "...Those two are inseparable as a shadow to a body. You can put a continent and an ocean between them and they would still be able to find each other."

Western Animation

Diane: (reading) "Dear Diane, it's me, your old pen pal Leo. This definitely isn't BoJack Horseman writing this."
BoJack: Keep reading.
Diane: "You're a good person, Diane, and that's the most important thing. Even if no one appreciates you, it's important that you don't stop being good. I like how you always bring your own bags to the grocery store, and how you're always organized to go places. I like how you chew gum on the airplane so your ears will pop. A lot of people might not appreciate that about you, but I do. Yours forever, Leo." That's the best letter he ever wrote me.
BoJack: I know you don't want to hear this, but you're too good to be writing Instagram captions for celebrities. (Diane tries to make it seem a little more important than it is) I'm sorry, but you are. You know you are.
Diane: Okay. Thank you.
BoJack: And I wish you didn't get so distant after you moved out.
Diane: I'm sorry.
BoJack: You know me better than anybody, and you can't not be a part of my life.
Bojack Horseman, "Live Fast, Diane Nguyen"
