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Quotes / Out of Focus

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Anime and Manga

kyusiko (Kyousuke): i still relevant
coobie (Kyubey): no

Fan Works

Like you're reading a story, right? And you start out, and the first chapter or two you think 'oh, this story is all about THIS character! the peasant colt in the cottage!' and you go along and... then somewhere in the middle suddenly it's not anymore, it's all about the lonely princess in the tower or the wandering knight and the peasant colt is just a pony in the background for the rest of the story. I kinda feel like that.
Nyx, RealityCheck's Nyxverse, Nyx's family, final chapter.


"Whatever happened to my part?
It was exciting at the start
Now we're halfway through Act Two,
And I've had nothing yet to do!"
The Lady of the Lake, Spamalot, Whatever Happened To My Part?

Web Original

In-between these various abuses of the Penal Code are Ponch's own penal code violations—i.e.: his constant sexual harassment of any good-looking female who walks by him frequent romantic dates—as well as Jon's mysteriously blank social life (Estrada favoritism on the part of CHiPs's producers? Naah).

I want to applaud Enterprise for taking the time to characterise a guest character and furnishing him with as much time as they do with Soong here, but would that be the case if he wasn’t being played by Brent Spiner? Isn’t it true that Hoshi and Merriweather have vanished into the ether again for several weeks, and couldn’t they do with some of this screen time to remind us that they are still alive?

This is a Superman show where Green Arrow is more of a character, because Superman himself is forced to be static. And it’s obvious that everyone involved has realized this. That’s why they’ve introduced Green Arrow, and the JSA, and all those other guys, because the only alternative is a show about Clark Kent not being Superman, and who in the hell wants to watch that?
ComicsAlliance on Smallville ("Finale")

Web Video

Well, that's bullshit! First, Hitomi's Seeing, and now my Healing? What are you gonna steal next, Allen's Sex Appeal?

We're staying here. Gohan, look after Little Green. Bulma... Do not do anything. [Beat] For the entire trip.
Krillin, Dragon Ball Z Kai Abridged, on the Namek Arc.

Western Animation

"Hey! Where are you going, rock? I don't wanna move! I really live next to my best friend Squidward, and that little yellow guy!"
Patrick lampshading SpongeBob being Demoted to Extra, SpongeBob SquarePants, "Shell Games"

Real Life

Keiki is the main character of this series (although that's debatable).
—Official Keiki character bios
