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Quotes / Never Tell Me the Odds!

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Adam Savage: Okay, so I was off on my percentages. I gave what happened here a 30% chance of happening.
Camerawoman: 20%.
Adam: No, thirty.
(Cut to flashback of Adam predicting odds of 70%, 20% and 10%.)
Adam: No, that wasn't me, that was somebody else...I said 50, 40, 10.
(Replay flashback)

Jarvis: Sir, at 15% power the odds of reaching that altitude are—
Tony Stark: I know the math! Do it!

Mikoto: Without the Program Drive, the probability of success is only 32.5%!
Entouji: If we support it from here, the probability could rise to 60%...
Hyuuma: That means that if each of us pilots adds 10% from our guts, it'll be 100%!

Nia: The possibility is extremely close to zero...
Simon: But it's not zero percent. In my case that's as good as 100 percent!

"The chance of success for this mission was 0%, but I can see theoretical calculations don't mean anything to you people."
Lordgenome's Head, also Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

Nogg: Ugh. Martina, please don't tell me that was your plan.
Martina: I wouldn't advise thinking about the odds.
Nogg: There are no odds to think about! If you do this, the probability of our deaths is inevitable.
Martina: Then it might be best not to think about inevitability.

"This had better be some defense," Luke commented as they left the bridge and headed back down the portside corridor. "Especially when we're talking maybe forty-to-one odds."

Han shook his head. "Never tell me the odds," he admonished the other, glancing at his chrono. It could be any time now. "Besides, you never know when the odds are going to change."
—Chapter 27 of Dark Force Rising

"If you enjoyed laughing in the face of death, you might like to have a crack at High Saffron. One hundred merits, and all you have to do is take a look."
"I understand there's a one hundred percent fatality rate?"
"True. But up until the moment of death there was a one hundred percent survival rate. Really, I shouldn't let anything as meaningless as statistics put you off."

Bunty: The chances of us getting out of here are about a million to one!
Ginger: Then there's still a chance.

"Damn the odds, we've got to try... wait a second. Where, exactly, did you get that number from?"
"I hardly think this is the time for-"
"No. No, fuck you, this is exactly the time. The fate of the galaxy is at stake. Trillions of lives are hanging in the balance. You just pulled four significant digits out of your ass, I want to see you show your goddamn work."

Lieutenant Ekalu: There's no margin for error or accident. There are so many ways things could go horribly wrong.
Fleet Captain Breq: When you're doing something like this, the odds are irrelevant. You don't need to know the odds. You need to know how to do the thing you're trying to do. And then you need to do it. What comes next isn't something you have any control over.

Takar: I can kill you and your crew in an instant.
Janeway: Go ahead. Without us, you won't be able to prevent this ship from being torn apart by the pulsars. And even with my crew working together, I'd say the odds of us getting through this are, what, one in ten?
Tuvok: One in twenty, at best, Captain.
Janeway: I'm willing to take that chance. Are you?
(After the aliens run for it)
Janeway: I hope you were exaggerating about those odds, Tuvok.
Tuvok: I was not.

Kurros: If you do not convince Seven of Nine to join us now, the destruction of your ship is 99.8% certain.
Janeway (to Tuvok): Fire.

AP-5: I am estimating mission success at 38.5%.
Kanan: 38.5%? This was your plan!
AP-5: I know; I calculated that without me, this mission would be at 0%.

The Driver: I might be a little rusty right now, but I've been doing this for a long time and I'm very good at it.
Lily: That only means your chances of failure increase with each outing. [beat] Statistically speaking.
The Driver: The odds will be what the odds will be.
The Hire, "The Escape"

Baymax: Our probability of success is...
Hiro: You don't have to crunch the numbers, Baymax. It's not the sum of our parts. It's the sum of our hearts.
Riku Replica: Which adds up to what? Show me.
Baymax and Hiro on the Darkcubes, Kingdom Hearts III

"Eradicating is going too far. Killing is too heavy...Even if it's dangerous, if there's a small chance that both sides can survive, let's take that chance and go with it. We believed like that before, and we're here now. If we chose our path based on probability, we wouldn't have escaped. We would've waited for death at that house, just as Mom told us. And our siblings wouldn't be here!"

Petey: This is the part where you are expected to smile heroically and say 'never tell me the odds'.
Tagon: Will that improve the odds?
Petey: No, but it might improve morale.

Buttercup: We'll never survive.
Westley: Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has.

"Okay, I want you to walk back in there and very calmly, very politely tell the risk-assessors to fuck off!"
Mark Baum, The Big Short
