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Quotes / Never Gets Drunk

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1. 0.914 is the world record for highest-ever recorded BAC that did not result in death. A 67 year-old Bulgarian man wandered into a hospital after being hit by a truck and they checked his BAC with multiple instruments, thinking that their equipment must be faulty.
2. The previous record was 0.80, held by a Lithuanian.
Justice doesn't let me get drunk anymore. I kind of miss it...
Anders, Dragon Age II

Enough with the damn beer. My Healing Factor won't let me get drunk anyway.

He was not to realise it until many weeks later, but his physiology had indeed been changed by Sharon's malign magic. He could never be drunk, no matter how much he imbibed. His wished-for sobriety was absolute. He could still have hangovers if he were to over-indulge alcoholically, but he would never again experience inebriation. But this grim revelation was in the future.
The Soddit

Naofumi: (Holding a Rucolu Fruit) I didn't know they made wine out of these.
L'Arc: They're so strong you have to dilute just one of them in a cask of water to get something drinkable.
Naofumi: Pretty tasty just the way they are. (Casually pops the Rucolu into his mouth and chews it like candy)
L'Arc: Saying you can hold your Liquor is an understatement.

"If we were to tease from Zenos some insight into his father's plans, we may yet emerge from this exchange with the upper hand." [...]
Yet the plans of both Yotsuyu and the viceroy were defeated at the outset by Zenos's unshakable lassitude. The visiting legatus barely spared his host a glance as he lounged with obvious boredom on the cushions provided. Having braced himself for a humiliating examination of his failures, the viceroy withdrew in some confusion, leaving Yotsuyu to attend to the needs of his "guest."
The hour grew late, and Zenos emptied his cup again and again. But the wine may as well have been water for all the effect it seemed to have upon him.
Will the man never get drunk? Yotsuyu wondered in exasperation.
