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Quotes / Mundane Luxury

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    Film — Live-Action 
Xiaoping: Is there a fee for this shower?
Suizi: Who pays to shower?
Xiaoping: [lighting up] So I can shower every day?
Suizi: Of course. You'll stink without a shower after practice. Don't you shower every day?
Xiaoping: It cost 0.15 yuan every time. Too expensive, my mom said. So usually I'd boil water at home for a scrub down. But to shower every day — what a joy to be a soldier!

We had thought heaven was some superficial construct of an ignorant humanity.
Standing in the shower, the stench of the litterbug being washed out of our skin, our hair, our bones, we realised this was not so. Heaven was on the Caledonian Road, smelt faintly of chlorine and was blasted out of a slightly grimy tap at 44 degrees Celsius under high pressure.

August: Anything you want to talk about?
Jane: I just... miss it.
August: Billy's?
Jane: Yea, but also... life. My dim sum place. The cat in my bodega. Banging on the ceiling because the neighbor was practicing his trombone too loud, you know? Dumb shit. I miss figuring out scams with my friends. Having a beer. Going to the movies. Dumb, small life things. [...] I can remember it now, how I felt my whole life—I wanted to go places, see the world. Always hated staying in one place for too long. Fuckin' ironic, (seeing as how I've been bound to a subway car for decades,) huh?
