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Quotes / Maternal Death? Blame the Child!

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"I wish I could talk to Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl about it, but...I think they kinda blame me for my mom not being around."
Steven, Steven Universe, "Joy Ride"

"It's your birthday. Sorry I forgot. Kinda hard to celebrate on the day you killed your mom. She was just seven months pregnant. We went for a hike, but you had to come early. Now, she's gone. And I'm stuck here on this island... with you.... Happy birthday, Ben."
Roger Linus, Lost, "The Man Behind the Curtain"

Cersei Lannister: You're funny. You've always been funny. But none of your jokes will ever match the first one, will they? You remember, back when you ripped my mother open on your way out of her and she bled to death.
Tyrion Lannister: She was my mother too.
Cersei: Mother gone. For the sake of you. There's no bigger joke in the world than that.

In a great Palace by the sea there once dwelt a very rich old lord, who had neither wife nor children living, only one little granddaughter, whose face he had never seen in all her life. He hated her bitterly, because at her birth his favourite daughter died; and when the old nurse brought him the baby, he swore, that it might live or die as it liked, but he would never look on its face as long as it lived.

"Your mother is dead. She is dead because of you! I hated you ever since you were born for what you have done! Your entire birth caused my one true love to die!"

"Your father looks at you and sees the ghost of his dead wife. It is his loss if he does not see what an incredible creature his daughter is."
Ysengrin, Gunnerkrigg Court

My father, Harold Robotnik, didn't want her to keep trying to conceive, but she was insistent. Eventually, she did manage to bear a child; Me. She didn't actually get to see me. She... died during the birthing process.
My father was distant from me. He didn't want to raise a child, because... He wanted to focus on science.
I think he also blamed me for killing her. And that never left how he talked to me.

The mother dead these fourteen years did incubate in her own bosom the creature who would carry her off.
The Kid's father, Blood Meridian
