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Quotes / Make Sure He's Dead

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"When you kill someone, make sure they're dead!"
Tyler, Heavy Metal 2000

"Never do anything by half-measures, especially killing."
Nick Campbell explaining why he just shot a corpse three times in the head, Super Powereds Year 4

Rayleigh: Wait. I think this guy's dead, but... let's check for a pulse.
Mako: Okay.
[They unload a plasma cannon into the corpse, destroying the entire torso.]
Rayleigh: No pulse.

[The Turtles have presumably perished in April's burning apartment]
Hun: The Foot's back in business, profits are up, and the Turtles are history. Why are we not celebrating, Master?
Shredder: Where... are... the bodies?
Hun: We burned that building to the ground! I think we can safely assume that-
Shredder: We can assume nothing! My enemies assumed they had destroyed me, and it cost them dearly. I can ill afford to make the same mistake. I require evidence of their demise.

Emily: Hey stop it, they'll hear us! It's clear he's already dead!
Owen: I thought it moved. Sorry.
Propagation: Paradise Hotel

[Ghostface has seemingly been shot and killed]
Randy: Careful. This is the moment when the supposedly-dead killer comes back to life for one last scare.
[sure enough, Ghostface springs back to life... only to be put down with a bullet between the eyes by Sidney]
Sidney: Not in my movie.

Gordo: Hey, scorch those krauts on the left. You see 'em?
Norman: [Looking through the tank's periscope] All I see are dead bodies.
Gordo: How do you know they're dead?! Are you a doctor?! Hit 'em!
Norman: But they're dead! Why would I shoot them if they're already dead?!
Gordo: So they don't stand up and shoot us in the ass!

"You dying in a tsunami could just happen. Y'know, that could happen to anyone. BUT THROWING HER IN THE WATER TO MAKE SURE SHE DIES!??"

Narration: T-Plus 60. The hour is over. So is 98% of all life in a fifty-mile radius. Uranos leaves satisfied. He is supremely confident in his ability to bring death. In all the ages, he has never felt the need to check his work. In this, he is foolish.
* A tiny handful of survivors begin to emerge from the devastation*
Narration: He has spent the last hour on Planet Arakko. And on Arakko, you make sure.
* Magneto stands, his chest gaping open, his heart gone, his blood kept circulating by magnetic control and sheer force of will*
Narration: You always make sure.

Cooler: They're not dead. Anyone who can counter an attack like that after taking the full force from my death beam can certainly survive a little swim.
Salza: You think he's alive?
Cooler: He's alive alright. Find him and kill him.

Laurie: He's dead.
Allyson: Not dead enough.
