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Quotes / Kemono Friends

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Kaban: "P-Please don't eat me!"
Serval: "I won't eat you!"
— A recurring exchange between both characters.

Hippo: "Hmm... Can you swim?"
Kaban: "No."
Hippo: "Hmm... Can you fly?"
Kaban: "No."
Hippo: "Then are you fast?"
Kaban: "No..."
Hippo: "You can't do anything at all, can you?"
Hippo interrogating Kaban as she tries to figure out what she is.

"But the rule here in Japari Park is that you must fend for yourself. You need to protect yourself. You can't leave it all to Serval."

"Serval-chan. I look useless at a glance. I didn't even know why I was born. But you accepted me. You've looked out for me all this time. Thank you. Be well."
Kaban, at the end of episode 11.
