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Quotes / Indian Burial Ground

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"Mr. Bloot? Homer Simpson here. When you sold me this house, you forgot to mention one little thing: You didn't tell me it was built on AN INDIAN BURIAL GROUND! ...NO, YOU DIDN'T! ...Well... that's not how I remember it. [hangs up] He says he mentioned it five or six times."
Homer Simpson, The Simpsons, "Treehouse of Horror"

"Why would anybody dig through an Indian burial ground to reach Hell? Just dig somewhere else!"
Redmond Mann, Team Fortress 2

Kyle: Dude, why is your store called the Indian Burial Ground Pet Store?
Store owner: Well, there was an Indian burial ground here before I bought it.
Stan: So you just built your store on an Indian burial ground?!
Store owner: Oh, hell, no. First, I dug up all the bodies, pissed on them, and then buried them again upside-down.
Kyle: Why?!
Store owner: Why? I don't know. I was drunk.

Phoebe: Well, nobody wants a ghost. But you've got one, because the house is sitting on an ancient Indian burial ground.
Ross: Wait a minute, the house was built on radioactive waste, and an ancient Indian burial ground? That would never happen.
Phoebe: Okay, obviously you don't know much about the U.S. government.

Remember last week when we dug up all those Indian bones and made puppets out of them?
It turns out they were buried over an Ancient Indian Burial Ground!
