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Quotes / Incredibly Obvious Bug

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Obi-Wan: I throw my listening device on to his ship. [throws tracking device] What are they saying?
Jango Fett: Oh look, Kenobi's attached a bug.

In a nearby puddle, Leon locates the beeping and flashing transmitter he planted on Ashley. Possibly the world's most counterproductive spy equipment.

"Judy! Did all the contractors go home? Because I need to tell them that a bust of Shakespeare with a camera in the eye is really obvious!"

"We've come up with a camera so tiny, it fits in this over-sized novelty hat."
Kent Brockman, The Simpsons

Crack U.S. counterintelligence agents in Moscow begin to suspect that the new U.S. embassy in Moscow, built by Soviet labor, might be bugged, when one of them sneezes in the ambassador's office and six chairs say "Gesundheit".
Dave Barry, "1987: Look Back In Horror"
