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Quotes / I Kiss Your Hand

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"Ah, Ritsuko, as beautiful as ever," said Kaji smoothly. He took her hand in his and kissed it.


'You knew me once, Lady Ancalimë,' he said, 'but no matter. Today I am but a messenger from Armenelos, to remind you that you are the daughter of the King's Heir; and (so far as I can now see) you shall be his Heir in your turn. You will not always dwell here. But go back to your bed now, my lady, until your maidservant wakes, if you will. I am in haste to see the King. Farewell!' He kissed the hand of Ancalimë and went down the steps; then he mounted and rode away with a wave of his hand.


"A kiss on the hand may be quite continental,
But diamonds are a girl's best friend…"
"Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend" (J. Styne / L. Robin)
