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Quotes / Hopeless Suitor

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T.K.: (to Kari) Together again!
Kari: Just like old times.
Davis: (to himself) That kid's trying to put the moves on my girl!
Digimon Adventure 02 (English dub)

"I know you married her just as a way of not marrying me."

Lloyd: What do you think the chances are of a guy like you and a girl like me ending up together? The least you can do is level with me. What are my chances?
Mary: Not good.
Lloyd: You mean, not good like one out of a hundred?
Mary: I'd say more like one out of a million.

Arthur: Merlin, what'll I do? [The girl squirrel] won't leave me alone.
Merlin: Well, I'm afraid you're stuck, lad. When a girl squirrel chooses a mate, it's for life!
Arthur: But I won't be a squirrel tomorrow.
Merlin: Eh, she doesn't know that. She only knows one simple fact; that you're a him, and she's a her.

[Before Marty's Grand Romantic Gesture]
Marty: Are you sure this is a good idea?
Greg: Dude, she doesn't like you. She's shown no interest. She's way into someone else. Why give up now? This is the right move!

Telma: If you miss her, just go to Ordon.
Shad: She only has eyes for the Hero of Hyrule! Even I have some pride!
