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Quotes / Five-Man Band

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Tenaya: Red is the perfect one, Black is the brooding bad boy, Green is the clown, and Yellow, well, she's the girl. So, what are you supposed to be?
"Fox Force Five. Fox as in we're a bunch of foxy chicks. Force as in we're a force to be reckoned with. Five as in there's one-two-three-four-five of us."
Mia Wallace, Pulp Fiction

Lita: We're totally a full-fledged team now, yo!
Amy: Why are we now a team? Were we waiting for a fifth person this whole time?
Amy: No, really, why is this a team? We have four planets and a moon. What about the other planets-

Okay, here's how it goes. I'm The Leader, Milhouse is my loyal sidekick, Nelson's the tough guy, Martin's the smart guy, and, Todd's the quiet religious guy who ends up going crazy.
Bart Simpson, The Simpsons, "Lemon of Troy"

Tarquin: Really, Malack, it's fairly obvious. They're a classic team: fighter, rogue, wizard and cleric, with a jack-of-all-trades bard as the fifth man.
Malack: And the halfling?
Tarquin: The foil, I imagine. It'd get terribly dull without a little internal conflict, you know. Frankly, when 4-6 high-level adventurers show up on my doorstep at the same time, I assume they're a team until disproven.

Mac: The reason that shit hasn't been working out for us is because we are not working with our full crew! I'm the brains, (to Dennis) you're the looks, Charlie's the wild card, and Frank is the muscle.
Charlie: Well, what's Dee?
Mac: She's the useless chick!
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, "The Gang Solves The Oil Crisis."

Max: You don't want me in your party?
Mike: Correct.
Max: Why not?
Mike: Because you're annoying! Also, we don't need another party member. I'm our paladin, Will's our cleric, Dustin's our bard, Lucas is our ranger, and El's our mage.
Stranger Things, "The Pollywog"

E350: Okay, if the guy asks who we are: I'm the leader, Danny's my number two, Sam's our combat strength, Tucker's our intelligence and Timmy is the canary.
Timmy: Canary?
Tucker: We send you in first, and if you die we know the room is dangerous.
Timmy: Gee, thanks.
Halloween Unspectacular, "The Haunted Scam"
