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Quotes / DmC: Devil May Cry

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I'm a medium - a psychic - I can phase into Limbo and communicate with you. I can see you, talk to you, but I'm not actually in Limbo with you.

Whore mother? I don't know my mother but if you're calling me a son of a bitch - you wouldn't be the first.
Dante to the Hunter

The demons are amongst us Dante, they are enslaving mankind. The world is asleep, brainwashed and helpless. We're fighting back. We are a small handful of freedom fighters. We are the last and only line of defence.

Meningitis is a human affliction. You are not human, Dante. All war is fought with deception and you have been deceived. Your past has been hidden from you for a reason.

When the people you are supposed the trust most... turn out to be demon scum... Your eyes really do open up to evil everywhere. I took a stand. Fought back, killed... No matter the consequences. So I chose my path, and I lived by it... And then after all that anger, violence and death, you have to dig deep... deep into your own heart... to see if you are still sane. Or if you can still call yourself... human...

The Nephilim were the third race. Sadly, they were hunted down and slain... They wielded the power of both angels and demons. But unlike them, the Nephilim could easily cross worlds. They were formidable!... And like you, they held great potential. What a waste. You want to reach your full potential? Perhaps Assiel holds the key.
Phineas to Dante

Mankind. What would mankind do with freedom do you suppose. Because when I arrived, they had it. And what do you think they did with it? They fought. They killed. They starved. I brought prosperity. I brought structure. What have you brought? Besides violence. War. Death!
Mundus to Dante

The world is under my protection now.
You've chosen the wrong side. You're not human, Dante, and you will never be.
Dante and Vergil
