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Quotes / Didn't We Use This Joke Already?

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Ozzy: These filmmakers are just [bleep] boobs!
Kelly: What do you mean, Dad?
Ozzy: Well, they're usin' the same [bleep] jokes they did in the last Austin Powers movie.

Horace: Hey[,] I bet everyone was expecting a big battle for strip #600, eh? Ha HA!
Roy: Heh, yeah.
(Beat Panel)
Roy: Funny thing. We, uh, we actually made that exact joke, five hundred strips ago.
Horace: Oh?
Roy: Yeah. What are the odds?
(Beat Panel)
Horace: I didn't know, 'cause I'm up there in—
Roy: Oh! No, of course. I mean, how could you have known?
Horace: Right.
Roy: Exactly.
