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Quotes / Development Hell

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Dangeresque 3 production update! Day 114: Things are 'comeing' along right on schedule. So far, we seem to have only hit one major snag. Um, and that is I haven't um, made Dangeresque 3 yet.
Strong Bad, Homestar Runner

The Hollywood process is like trying to grill a steak by having a succession of people coming into the room and breathing on it.

The difference between me and Neil in our attitude to movie projects is that he doesn't believe they're going to happen until he's sitting in his seat eating popcorn, and I don't believe they're going to happen.
Terry Pratchett, on the probability of a film version of Good Omens ever getting released.

If you're reading this, please send help.
We've been stuck on this game for years... -Loc Team
Easter Egg located in the PC version of Trails in the Sky SC

They must be programming this game by carving ones and zeroes into stone tablets.

Pearl: Did you hear? Ancho-V just delayed their new game until next year...
Marina: Wasn't it supposed to come out, like, four years ago?

Scott: (voiceover; at a table with his computer) Step one: I do the work! (voiceover; in the shower with his computer) Step two: disaster strikes! (drops computer) Step three: explaining myself!
(cut to Scott, still wet, entering a room with the computer)
(cut to Scott at a table with his computer)
Scott: (voiceover) And finally, step one: I do the work!
(cut to Scott, wet again)
Scott: This happens every two weeks, I don't know what I'm doing wrong!
Scott Wozniak, going into the game development cycle

Real artists ship.
