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Quotes / Dénouement

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This is what we call the "denouement." That's French for "when we beat up the supervillain."

the marryin' and the buryin.'

"One dictionary defines 'denouement' as' 'a final part in which everything is made clear and no questions or surprises remain.' By that definition, it is exactly the wrong word to describe this chapter...But I say we call it the denouement anyway because it sounds so sophisticated and French."

"Denouement" comes from the French, who use the word to describe the act of untying a knot, and it refers to the unraveling of a confusing or mysterious story, such as the lives of the Baudelaire orphans, or anyone else you know whose life is filled with unanswered questions.
The denouement is the moment when all of the knots of a story are untied, and all the threads are unraveled, and everything is laid out clearly for the world to see."
Lemony Snicket, A Series of Unfortunate Events: "The Penultimate Peril"
