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Quotes / Demographic-Dissonant Crossover

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While many will find it novel that Arya Stark and Finn the Human are in the same video game, I find it deeply fucking unsettling. A tv show featuring bloody murder and sexual violence crossing over with a charmingly dorky children's cartoon is just fucking weird. And when I'm saying it's unsettling, I don't mean that from a moral standpoint. I mean it says something about how stripped of context and meaning our media has become, that a company could just casually merge Game of Thrones with Adventure Time and not even have to think about the grizzly fucking implications. There are no implications because there is no meaning. Not in a culture that gobbles up crossovers for crossovers sake. Who cares about narrative justification? We just wanna see Garnet punch Batman! Context? Who needs it? Context is dead! The sheer robbery of that context is creatively creepy. That a show involving multiple rapes, massacres and infanticides can be seamlessly crossed over with a show in which a cowardly dog and his teenage friends solve quaint mysteries for the delight of children, and nobody is questioning it is fucking twisted when you stop to actually think about it. Like, I'm not alone in this, right? Game of Thrones x Scooby-Doo is actually really, really fucked up, yeah? Like, I can't be the only one thinking about what Ramsey Bolton would do to Scooby Doo if he ever got his fucking hands on him, right? Or if Daphney was forced to marry Joffrey? Shit's fucked up! Oh but wait, no, Shaggy and Tyrion would have such a laugh together! Until Shaggy gets his fucking face burnt off at the Blackwater.

"Sorry, can you go back to the part about Sonic the Hedgehog meeting motherf*cking Spawn?!"
