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Quotes / Deathbed Confession

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Here, and throughout the story, we see that confusion of purpose which is so characteristic of silly novels written by women. It is a story of quite modern drawing-room society–a society in which polkas are played and Puseyism discussed; yet we have characters, and incidents, and traits of manner introduced, which are mere shreds from the most heterogeneous romances. . . we have a crazy gipsy, in a scarlet cloak, singing snatches of romantic song, and revealing a secret on her deathbed which, with the testimony of a dwarfish miserly merchant, who salutes strangers with a curse and a devilish laugh, goes to prove that Ernest, the model young clergyman, is Kate's brother;

Peter: Well, that's pretty much all there is to tell, kids. The Griffin family history is a rich tapestry. But, since we're all gonna die, there's one more secret I feel I have to share with you: I did not care for The Godfather.
Lois: What?!
Peter: Did not care for The Godfather.
Chris: How can you even say that, Dad?
Peter: Didn't like— didn't like it.
Lois: Peter, it's so good! I-it's like the perfect movie!
Peter: This is what everyone always says, whenever—
Chris: Robert De Niro. Al Pacino. I mean, you never see— ROBERT DUVALL!
Peter: I know. Fine, fine actor. Did not like the movie.
Brian: Why not?
Peter: Did not— Couldn't get into it.
Lois: Explain yourself. What didn't you like about it?
Peter: It insists upon itself, Lois.
Lois: What?
Peter: It insists upon itself.
Lois: What does that even mean?
Peter: It takes forever gettin' in, and you spend— you spend like six and a half hours, and then... you know, I can't even get through— I can't even finish the movie. I've never even seen the ending.
Stewie: We-well, how can you say you don't like it if you haven't even given it a chance?!
Lois: I agree with Stewie. It's not really fair.
Chris: It's outrageous.
Peter: I have tried on three separate occasions to get through it, and I— I get to the scene where all the guys are sittin' around in the easy chairs—
Lois: Yeah, that's a great scene. I love that scene.
Peter: That is not a great—
Chris: It's been noted in every annal.
Peter: I have no idea what they're talkin' about. It's like they're speakin' a different lang— That's where I lose interest and I go away.
Lois: You know what, Peter—
Lois: The language they're speaking is a language of subtlety, something you don't understand.
Peter: I love The Money Pit. That is my answer to that statement.
Lois: Exactly.
Peter: Well, there ya go.
Lois: Whatever.
Chris: ...I like that movie too.
