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Quotes / Deathbringer the Adorable

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Mr. Owl: So, where do you want to look first? Mount Ruin, or Mount Marmalade?
Steve: Which one is which?
Mr. Owl: Mount Ruin is the huge, evil looking one.
Steve: Wouldn't it be funny, though, if their names were switched?
Mr. Owl: Yes. I imagine that would be pretty amusing.

Valkyrie: From the moment we got here they've been talking about feeding the beast, how the beast must be fed, all that kind of stuff.
Myosotis: And the beast must be fed. Otherwise it'd go hungry. But they're not scared of it. They love it. Look at it - it's adorable.

Craig: He's called Alfie.
Baby Alfie: [gurgles]
The Doctor: Yes, he likes that, "Alfie". Though personally, he prefers to be called "Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All".
Doctor Who, "Closing Time"
