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Quotes / Dark Age of Supernames

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Doctor: "Captain Atom?" What kind of name is that? What's wrong with a snappy one word name? The only way he can feel important is to use a title?
Hawksmoor: You mean like Doctor?
Captain Atom: This one's called "Voodoo". All these blunt, one-word names. I don't get it. No pizzazz. No style.

"Name wild, Captain mild," as my father used to say. Those who select the most ferocious of names are without exception the ones least worthy of them.

"Are you new to this line of work? Do you have a clever name like "Grifter"? One that sounds hip at first until you realize it's trying too hard?"

Superman: Grifter, take your friend hiding there in the rafters—
Deathblow: Deathblow.
Superman: Seriously?
Superman Annual #1 (2012)

Ladytron: "Deathblow". Jeez... What is it with you guys and all this Death-Hell-Kill-Blood stuff?
Deathblow: Oh, like Ladytron is any better? Sounds like a brand of vibrator.

"DUUUUUUUUUUDE you know what would be totally hardcore? If there was a comic that didn't feature any of those stupid 'dialog balloons' or 'plot points.' It just had a guy SHOOTIN' STUUUUUUUFF! We could call it BLOODGUN! YEAH!"
90's Kid, Atop the Fourth Wall review of Cable #1

"Superman was never hardcore, he'll never last like characters like Bloodsport and Bloodaxe, and other characters with "Blood" in their name."
90's Kid, Atop the Fourth Wall

"They [the female characters] don't even have real names, they're all like WARCHILD, VIPER, and CHROME, just straight out of the big book of 90s era Image comic books. [a montage of Rob Liefeld's comic covers appears on the screen]''
Matt McMuscles's review of video game Girl Fight (a 2013 release)
