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Quotes / Crapola Tech

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Just look at it! Useless obsolete junk! The all-environments helmet doesn't work in one environment. As for the weapon, the increased output needed to make the heat seeking system work has raised the temperature inside to the point where it's targeted itself, slowly melting components and blowing itself apart. A child with the most basic certificate in science could see that! Its designer should be dragged out of the Scientific Corps and shot!

The trouble with Talkie Toaster (patent applied for) was that it was a ripoff. It was cheap and it was nasty. Far too cheap and far too nasty.
Talkie Toaster (patent applied for) did not fit in with your moods. It didn't assess the way you were feeling and respond sympathetically. It was abrasive. It got on your nerves. It drove you up the wall. And this was the reason why: Talkie Toaster (patent applied for) was obsessed with serving toast.
And if you didn't require toast on a very regular basis, boy were you in trouble.
Red Dwarf: Better Than Life

Remember that your weapons, armor and equipment were all manufactured by the lowest bidder.
—Armed forces wisdom
